It’s easy to visualize that Barack has been having sleepless nights with lots of tossing and turning. Here he is having given speech after speech after speech, even a town hall meeting. Yet, things are not going according to plan. His policies are not selling. His popularity has plummeted. Resistance to his policies has spread into his own party. Members of Congress have been subjected to raucous town hall meetings. Barack must be wondering how all this can be happening in the short span from the heady days of January 20th?
Besides, this is a totally new experience for the” King of Talk.” Never before has his ability to talk people into doing what he wants failed him. After all, he talked his way to victory over the vaunted Clinton machine. As he proudly told Harry Reid, “I have a gift.”
After his middle of the night thoughts, what solution does Barack come up with? You guessed it – yet more talk. He and Rahm conclude the problem is obvious. Barack has not talked enough. It seems they know no other formula. Searching for a group that hasn’t been “talked to” they realize Barack hasn’t talked to a group of school kids, so they schedules such a session. Of course, these kids can’t vote but what the heck. On a bigger scale, Barack will address a joint session of Congress in prime time with TV coverage. Surely this time the people will be mesmerized by my eloquence, he reasons.
It still hasn’t dawned on our “Boy Wonder” that his endless words are no substitute for policies favored by the everyday common people of America. Nor has he realized that the people will tolerate salesmanship on policies they don’t like up to a point, but after that they erupt. It has become obvious that he is still trying to sell policies that have crossed over that boiling point with the populace.
In his arrogance, he turns over the details of the health care initiative to Nancy Pelosi, the world’s most unpopular public servant since Idi Amin. Apparently he doesn’t realize that the Queen of Nasty promotes huge amounts of natural resistance just by her attitude, approach, and phony Botox smile.
I would guess that the same citizens who are loudly protesting at the Town Hall meetings also do not appreciate Barack’s continual rubbishing of America. These people have been relatively tolerant up to now of this trashing of their country, but this may be another factor in the crystallization of a strong opposition to all of Obama policies.
The Obama approach, bred of arrogance, seems to be coming totally unglued. In the process, he has managed to give birth to a big and loud swell of opposition. That could have far reaching consequences for the practitioners of liberal thought.