In World War II our country mobilized rapidly after a surprise attack. It is hard to find a person, male or female, who did not actively contribute to the response. Our troops fought gallantly and unselfishly on two fronts of the war. This effort cast aside any doubt that the spirit underlying the United Sates was unequaled among the roster of nations. All the surviving Americans knew silently, but for sure, they were part of something special.

First, we learned we have been living in an unrealistic bubble of prosperity. The bursting of that bubble led to depressed economic activity with high unemployment levels. Housing values plummeted and the American dream of home ownership was threatened. For the first time Americans fear the next generation will not be as prosperous as this one.
We are no longer the world’s acknowledged super power, a role we inherited for the past 40 or 50 years. As a nation we are living beyond our means. The economies of other countries, especially China, have established a degree of equality with ours.
The American people have signaled they wish to address these issues. The last election showed their disgust with the existing political response. For example, despite the obvious need to control spending, our leaders tell us we need to spend even more.
There is no doubt the American people are willing to do whatever it takes to move the country into the future on a strong footing.. They are not afraid of sacrifice. Our governing system is so politically driven that it is paralyzed and ineffective. What the country needs is a strong leader to bring about the needed changes. Unfortunately, Barack Obama has shown he is not that leader. He is the very symbol of actions based purely on political objectives.
In this great country, is there not some person who will provide the leadership we so desperately need as our country faces yet another critical moment in our history? If he will just step forward, climb on his white horse and yell “charge,” the American people will respond to the challenge. Remember, they always have.