Thursday, January 24, 2013

Obama, arrogance redefined

High office naturally encourages the holder to adopt an air of personal arrogance.   After all, his position is one of great importance.  Normal extrapolation leads to the belief he must also be important.  It’s probably fair to say that virtually all U.S. Presidents follow this trend with some more arrogant than others.   Along comes Barack Obama who eclipses all his predecessors while easily setting new standards for Presidential arrogance.
Only a few years ago, Barack was an unknown and insignificant community organizer.   You would expect the rather rapid transition to the Presidency would allow a tad of modesty to creep in.  And, his track record to date as president shows no accomplishment worth noting.  The honor of being the first black President should be somewhat humbling.  One would expect the combination of these factors would produce a degree of modesty, but not so for Barack Obama.  In fact, he seems oblivious to being in so far over his head.
To cap it off, he loves the sound of his own voice far more than anything else in life. His wife and children come in as distant seconds, or maybe thirds if you consider golf.  That characteristic leads to a continuous flow of speeches to any audience his aides can assemble and Air Force One can reach.  He and his teleprompter go on and on for hours, day after day.  His speeches are always presented in the first person personal using the pronoun “I” over and over and over.  The mute button on my TV is exhausted from saving me from the torture of yet another rambling Barack lecture accompanied by his standard look of superiority.  And another annoying thing, Obama always points his finger at the listener to emphasize his superior intellect.
Please tell me, what have I done to warrant four more years of such a bore?