Monday, April 22, 2013

Obama slapped down on gun control

Oh my! His Imminence is upset.  In fact, he is borderline furious, lashing out at the NRA, Congress, and anybody else who may have contributed to defeat of his “so called” gun control bill.  Never known for displaying presidential class, he publicly called the NRA “liars.”  The entire episode showed that Obama expects us to do what he says.  After all, he is sure he is so much smarter than we are.
I find this defeat even more satisfying because Obama gave the gun bill his full court press.  Just like a cheap politician, he gathered kids and parents from Newtown as backdrop for his daily speeches.  He even allowed one parent to deliver his weekly radio address.  Gabby Giffords was so prevalent in the background I thought she must be a cardboard cutout. 
It seems the populace is smarter than Barack assumed, realizing that the proposed legislation was simply more government interference with no impact on gun violence.  Nonetheless, Obama is stunned.  How on earth can the smartest guy in the room be so rudely rebuked, he asks? 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A celebrity crazed White House

(This is another in the series exploring the personal characteristics of the current residents of the White House.  How do they behave?  What are their values? What’s important to them?) 
It is no secret that Barack and Michelle adore celebrities.  Michelle is notably “celebrity struck.”  Her beaming Oscar appearance was proof of that.    
The White House cancelled all visitor tours to the White House blaming the need to save money because of the budget sequester.  However, the First Couple’s series of personal White House concerts managed to survive the budget squeeze.  Barack and Michelle will host a star-studded roster of music legends April 9 for another glitzy installment in the “In Performance at the White House” concert series.
The series reflects the huge egos of the W.H occupants by billing the event as “the nation’s highest honor for popular song.”   In other words, there is no greater honor than being allowed to sing privately for Barack and Michelle.
Another example was the White House social event held to honor the principals in the new film, “42,” celebrating the career of Jackie Robinson.  The Weekly Standard noted Michelle’s comments to that audience. Michelle opened her little talk by saying, “this is your house, too.”  Those in the audience must have been thinking:  “My dear, this is our house.  You are being allowed to stay here temporarily.”  But, to Michelle only celebrity guests like those in this assembly (the White House calls it a workshop) are invited to “her house.”   It’s the school kids from Iowa who must be kept out.  After all, they are not celebrities.
Then, an obviously excited Michelle commented to the celebrity group:
“I want to thank Harrison Ford — I’ve wanted to say that for a while.  (Laughter.)  Harrison Ford.  So you think you trip because I’m here?  I’m tripping out — (laughter) — because he’s here.  And look at this stage — Mr. Harrison Ford, Chadwick Boseman — he’s as cute as he was in the movie.  (Laughter.)  Just admit it.  (Applause.)  Outstanding — as well as Brian Helgeland, who is here as well.  You’re going to hear from them,” she said. “
Sadly, those are the thoughts and words of the First Lady of the United States?  Harrison Ford must have been totally embarrassed by such slobbering adoration more likely to come from mindless teenagers swooning over Justin Bieber. 
In my opinion, praise for Hollywood celebrities should go no further than acknowledging their level of professional skill.   Beyond that, they are no more important or noteworthy than the Iowa school kids denied a White House visit. 
What a pair we have allowed to stay in our White House!   I suppose there is no hope of a White House “Workshop” on Syria, North Korea, Iran, the deficit, unemployment, or the economy?    Celebrity contact accompanied by adolescent praise take precedent over those issues. 
Completely disgusting!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Yet another thing he can't do

Did you see that our boy Barack tried to show off his athletic prowess to kids attending the White House Easter Egg Roll?  He made 2 free throws out of 22 shots. No surprise here. I'd say that is about average for Obama in all of his presidential activities be they economic, foreign affairs, or domestic policies.  And remember, he was shooting from the free throw line without being guarded by Putin, Ahmadinejad, or even Kim Jung-Il.

But, we need to remember his real talent rests in talking and talking and talking.   In that arena he has no close rivals. It would be 22 out of 22 for sure.