Friday, March 12, 2010

Checking for a pulse at the SF Chronicle

ChronWatch stopped its critique of the SF Chronicle several years ago. I even canceled my subscription that had been in place for over 30 years. Offering still more criticism became much like beating on that proverbial dead horse. The Chron “horse” clearly died when viewed from a journalistic perspective. On top of that, financial viability also disappeared as the subscription numbers went south in a serious way.

Recently, I checked in on the Chron’s Website to see if things had changed. I didn’t think it possible, but the quality has deteriorated even further. There just isn’t much substance of any type offered to the reader. The liberal slant is still absolutely smothering. The violation of the old journalistic standard of maintaining a distinct line between news items and opinion pieces has accelerated even more, if that is possible. All in all, this is a sad step toward continued demise for the newspaper once billed as the “Voice of the West.”