Friday, February 10, 2012

The GOP Death Wish

We have endured three years of abysmal performance by Barack Obama. He has tortured us with daily speeches that mirror his latest reading of the political winds. Making conflicting statements over time do not bother him at all. Many pundits have noted Obama has exceeded the previous record holder of “worst ever”, Jimmy Carter. His approval/disapproval ratings are in the high 40%.

Now, one would expect feedback of such negative performance would humble a normal person. Not Barack Hussein Obama! There is hardly any room left in the White House for others when Barack and his larger-than-life ego enter. His press photos display his favorite look of “do you have any idea how smart I am?” He interprets criticism of his efforts as our failure to understand the brilliance of his position.
His disastrous performance and his tiring ego-dominated speeches should combine to make his reelection very unlikely. For the GOP it should be like playing a 0-10 team late in the season, a piece of cake. His record is so bad, you would expect the Democrats to reconsider Barack as the 2012 Democrat candidate. Surely, Hillary would be a more formidable candidate.

But wait, “Bring in the Clowns,” the Republican candidates, that is. Are there no Republicans in the country that at least begin to look and sound like a president? Apparently there is not. Romney is totally uninspiring and believes his stent at Bain Capital should be enough of a qualification. There is no substance in his message and his speeches are totally bland. Newt comes to us from another time and era, and he looks and sounds like it. How he could get five minutes consideration is beyond me. Santorum makes a good speech but then presents a campaign message that doesn’t mesh with what he says. All in all, the group is completely uninspiring. Apparently in the tradition of past elections the Republicans are going to put forward a candidate that the electorate finds boring, much as they did with John McCain and Bob Dole.

After watching as much of the Republican debates as my stomach could tolerate I see a looming Obama victory on the horizon. It will be completely undeserved, but the Republicans offer no viable alternative. ObamaCare will now be extended beyond health care into all aspects of our lives. To Obama, it is only logical that he take over the remainder of our affairs. After all, he is smarter than the rest of us. How could we not go along?

Having vented my GOP frustrations, of course I will vote for whoever runs against Obama. Let us hope and pray he is up to the task.

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