For these first six months, it has strictly been a one man show in the White House. Barack is on stage continually. His act consists solely of non-stop talking, every day, all day. Obama’s enormous ego causes him to believe he can talk us into anything. If he senses resistance, he simply escalates by talking still more.
Lately, a couple of other performers have crowded in on Obama’s act. Hillary suddenly burst out of the quiet isolation to which she had been assigned. With great fanfare she toured around the world pretending she had a lead role in the Obama show. As luck would have it, Hillary barely emerged from the depths of the State Department when she managed to step “in it.” Hillary offered our missile shield technology to the Israelis in the event Iran developed a nuclear weapon.” The Israelis interpreted that as an acceptance by the U.S. that we would allow Iran to proceed with the development of their nuclear bomb. It signaled a major change in U.S. policy to the world.
Hillary went on from there by comparing North Korea to a spoiled child that fired off all those missiles and continued to work on their nuclear bomb simply to get attention. That was really a brilliant and comforting diplomatic move, Hillary. Considering that the leaders are certified nutcases that kind of talk is sure to get the desired reaction. Yeah, sure.
But, didn’t Barack promise us he would “talk to” the Iranians and the North Koreans and convince them to do our bidding? I guess they are still laughing in both countries at that display of naivety. It certainly hasn’t impacted their behavior one whit.
The third prong of the expanding White House act came from yet another “mouth” seeking fame, that of VP Joe Biden. First, he comes up with the “reset button” bit for the Russians. They too must be still laughing at the hilarity of this administration’s sophomoric perspective on diplomacy. But, after recent talks with the Russians on many heavy topics, Joe then tells the press that we really don’t have to worry about the Russians. Joe says the Russian economy is so bad they will ultimately collapse. Therefore, we only have to wait for the inevitable. More brilliant diplomacy, Joe.
If this all wasn’t so serious it would be hilarious. You wonder if the focus of this administration is on entertaining the public rather than governing it. Barack’s act has gotten terribly tiresome and boring for all but his most loyal supporters. Nancy, Harry, Barney, Waxman, Dodd, Rangel, and a host of similar comedians try unsuccessfully to liven things up. Hillary and Joe simply highlight the obvious weakness of the team.
Most professional performers strive to be entertaining and even humorous. Obama’s group is simply mouthy and depressing, but unfortunately very dangerous.