When Major Hasan opened fire on his fellow soldiers at Ft. Hood he also launched a desperate media search for his motivation. Muslim? Terrorist? Jihadist? Islam? Those are a few of the keywords spat out by media word processors in a search for a perspective. This media muddle got off to a roaring start when our Supreme Apologizer, Barack Obama, cautioned that we not jump to conclusions. It’s as if he hoped the incident could be explained as anything except another Muslim extremist who feels closer to his God by killing innocent people. General Casey, of all people, said his greatest fear was that the shootings would diminish the Army’s diversity.
With those openings, the far left joined the chase for reasons to place the blame on some facet of American society. Major Hasan was painted as a confused individual who simply lost touch with society’s realities. Sure, they argued, he is “guilty”, but as Whoopi Goldberg might parse he is not “guilty, guilty.”
We can start with a few known facts. Major Hasan is a Muslim. And, he often expressed extremist jihadist views toward the United States and its military. In that respect, his sentiments and actions are exactly the same as our al Qaeda enemy. Furthermore, jihadists rationalize that the killing of innocent people is seen as a logical and honorable extension of their beliefs. Such acts bring them closer to their God and enhance their rewards in a later life. It is also the same thinking that provokes an even broader Muslim belief that the United States is not at war with al Qaeda, but at war with Islam. To the vast majority of American non-Muslims, that entire realm of thinking is nothing short of sick, sick, sick.
Conventional liberal wisdom cautions that all Muslims do not have beliefs similar to jihadists. At the same time, one has to acknowledge that we get little, or no, help from the larger Muslim group in helping us distinguish “good Muslims” from radical jihadist Muslims. Not only that, but there is no significant condemnation by “good Muslims” of the murderous acts perpetrated by “bad Muslims.”
Our President cautions against a Muslim backlash. Nonetheless, it seems totally in order to acknowledge certain factual conclusions. Yes, Major Hassan is a Muslim. Yes, he engaged in the act of murdering innocent people. Yes, that is the same game plan as al Qaeda. Yes, he shot the innocents in the name of his Muslim God. Yes, he saw it as a good and justifiable act. Yes, anyone who thinks thusly is an enemy of America to be battled relentlessly until destroyed.
Our President readily applies Chicago style “no holds barred” tactics when it comes to degrading Republicans, Fox News, and tea party attendees. He approaches everything else with extreme caution.. Hesitation is the byword for Obama’s style with a heavy reliance on his rhetorical skills The jihadist threat, internal and external, cannot be dismissed with more Obama talk or apologies for American transgressions.