Obama and the College Football Championship
Obama flopped on both of his recent trips to Copenhagen. His health care and cap and trade initiatives lie in tatters and are proving to be political disasters. The Russians, the Chinese, the Iranians, the North Koreans, and even the French think he is a pushover pussycat. His words and his actions diverge as soon as he folds up his teleprompter. His only accomplishment in his first year is to set new records in excessive speechmaking and airline miles.
With that record of non-accomplishment, what should we expect next? Here it is. Brace yourself. Now we learn the Obama administration is considering several steps that would review the legality of the College Bowl Championship Series. Yep! With all of his (our) problems Barack wants to unleash the Justice Department on this controversial issue Warning! This presidency may turn out even worse than previously thought.
UN Panel on climate change
How much more does it take for the public to totally deflate Gore’s faux global warming balloon? In the latest scandal, we learn the United Nations' expert panel on climate change based claims about ice disappearing from the world's mountain tops on a student's dissertation and an article in a mountaineering magazine. It is time for a Tea Party on global warming. Otherwise, this expensive farce will go on forever.
HP favors Boxer over Fiorina
So far, Hewlett-Packard has given the maximum amount to Sen. Barbara Boxer but hasn't contributed toward its own former CEO, Carly Fiorina, campaign finance reports show. Our advice to ChronWatch readers is to stay away from HP products until they reverse this position. Let them know that’s how you feel. Send an email to the HP Board of Directors at BOD@hp.com
The ChronWatch Blog offers commentary and editorial comments with a conservative slant.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Obama: Out of Touch and Overwhelmed

My decision to listen to the SOTU speech was successful for about thirty minutes. One hates to use words like “phony” or “disgusting arrogance” in connection with our sitting president, but those words kept popping into my mind. By now, we all know he blabs words, and does so serially. More importantly those words have no connection to later actions.
Early on in the speech Barack explained the basic values of the American people. Yet, Obama spent his entire first year disparaging and apologizing for the way those traditional American values played out in world affairs. Apparently he does not realize that the people with those basic American values are the ones who are rebelling and screaming about his policies.
In speaking about our horrible economic situation Barack sounded like Hugo Chavez. Our economic distress is the fault of greedy bankers. Our health care costs are spiraling out of control because of greedy and heartless insurance companies. Banks should be taxed. The rich among us should be severely taxed for their success. His supporters, the greedy trial lawyers and selfish unions, were not mentioned.
Obama spent some time promoting himself as the great budget controller and tax cutter. Seriously! I can only assume that was his attempt at humor.
I hoped he would not again bore us with his standard anti-Bush message. Wrong. With that smug expression of his, he droned on about “the mess he inherited.” Why can he not realize that the majority of the people are sick and tired of the bash-Bush excuse for his non-performance?
As an aside, my concentration was not helped by being forced to continually view the phony wooden smiles of Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi Those images do not go well with dinner.
Obama’s speech was focused largely on the Obama persona, not on our nation. It was his delusional version of the State of Obama. As such, I can only conclude he still “doesn’t get it.” He is overwhelmed by his ego and is seriously out of touch with reality.
What is one to do? I have never attended a local Tea Party although they meet every week in my town. Now I am asking where and when is the next meeting. See you there!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Now, Obama is a tough guy
In the last few days our Supreme Talker, occasionally acting as president, has forced his teleprompter to sound tough on terrorism. The public reaction to the administration’s lack of action on the Christmas Day bomber forced Barack to change the tone of his sound bites. Suddenly, Barack has been doing his best to sound like Chuck Norris.
Up to now political correctness has been the only game in town for this administration. Close Guantanamo to create a good image abroad. Send the inmates somewhere. Who cares where? Treat captured terrorists as criminals enjoying the rights of U.S. law. Be sure they have legal representation. Send John Kerry “to talk” to the Iranians, who are themselves major sponsors of terror. Americans should not blame Islam or the Muslim religion. Up to now, that has been Barack’s approach to the terrorists who are trying their best to kill as many of us as possible. Obama’s terrorist plan up to now has been like Rodney King’s famous, “why can’t we all get along” speech.
The administration’s program was developed and designed by his political advisors with the main priority of sounding “non-Bush.” Whether it accomplished anything to protect us against terrorism was secondary, if considered at all.
Obama lashes out at his individual intelligence agencies for failing to perform their jobs. Now, he proclaims that the buck stops with him on national security. Hey Barack, most of us knew that already. It’s not very comforting that you are the last person to realize it. Only an Obama-sized ego would fail to realize that his failure as the leader cascaded into the inadequacies of his subordinates.
If only we could get him to realize he is equally screwed up on his priorities on health care, global warming, and slush fund subsidy spending. The combination of spending on these programs stands to sink the country financially. Unfortunately, Barack only seems to visualize national threats when they are unavoidably at hand. Obama may bring our country down by a route Al Qaeda has not even considered.
Up to now political correctness has been the only game in town for this administration. Close Guantanamo to create a good image abroad. Send the inmates somewhere. Who cares where? Treat captured terrorists as criminals enjoying the rights of U.S. law. Be sure they have legal representation. Send John Kerry “to talk” to the Iranians, who are themselves major sponsors of terror. Americans should not blame Islam or the Muslim religion. Up to now, that has been Barack’s approach to the terrorists who are trying their best to kill as many of us as possible. Obama’s terrorist plan up to now has been like Rodney King’s famous, “why can’t we all get along” speech.
The administration’s program was developed and designed by his political advisors with the main priority of sounding “non-Bush.” Whether it accomplished anything to protect us against terrorism was secondary, if considered at all.
Obama lashes out at his individual intelligence agencies for failing to perform their jobs. Now, he proclaims that the buck stops with him on national security. Hey Barack, most of us knew that already. It’s not very comforting that you are the last person to realize it. Only an Obama-sized ego would fail to realize that his failure as the leader cascaded into the inadequacies of his subordinates.
If only we could get him to realize he is equally screwed up on his priorities on health care, global warming, and slush fund subsidy spending. The combination of spending on these programs stands to sink the country financially. Unfortunately, Barack only seems to visualize national threats when they are unavoidably at hand. Obama may bring our country down by a route Al Qaeda has not even considered.
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