My decision to listen to the SOTU speech was successful for about thirty minutes. One hates to use words like “phony” or “disgusting arrogance” in connection with our sitting president, but those words kept popping into my mind. By now, we all know he blabs words, and does so serially. More importantly those words have no connection to later actions.
Early on in the speech Barack explained the basic values of the American people. Yet, Obama spent his entire first year disparaging and apologizing for the way those traditional American values played out in world affairs. Apparently he does not realize that the people with those basic American values are the ones who are rebelling and screaming about his policies.
In speaking about our horrible economic situation Barack sounded like Hugo Chavez. Our economic distress is the fault of greedy bankers. Our health care costs are spiraling out of control because of greedy and heartless insurance companies. Banks should be taxed. The rich among us should be severely taxed for their success. His supporters, the greedy trial lawyers and selfish unions, were not mentioned.
Obama spent some time promoting himself as the great budget controller and tax cutter. Seriously! I can only assume that was his attempt at humor.
I hoped he would not again bore us with his standard anti-Bush message. Wrong. With that smug expression of his, he droned on about “the mess he inherited.” Why can he not realize that the majority of the people are sick and tired of the bash-Bush excuse for his non-performance?
As an aside, my concentration was not helped by being forced to continually view the phony wooden smiles of Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi Those images do not go well with dinner.
Obama’s speech was focused largely on the Obama persona, not on our nation. It was his delusional version of the State of Obama. As such, I can only conclude he still “doesn’t get it.” He is overwhelmed by his ego and is seriously out of touch with reality.
What is one to do? I have never attended a local Tea Party although they meet every week in my town. Now I am asking where and when is the next meeting. See you there!