“Send in the clowns, send in the clowns.” So goes the famous Sondheim song. The song writer must have been thinking of the Obama administration when he added the line: “Don’t bother, they‘re here.”
Super Chief Barack jetted off to West Point to bore the graduating cadets with another teleprompter speech that only he is impressed with. He tells the cadets there is a new international order underway. The cadets must have been thinking, “Yeah, one where the U.S. is a second rate member if this guy has anything to do with it.”
Obama’s foreign affairs whip, Hillary, is always ready to chip in whether needed or not. She was in China giving away teddy bears at the Shanghai Expo. True! Later, Clinton engaged in saber rattling over the latest North/South Korean flap. She tells her Chinese counterpart, “Oh yes, we are supporting South Korea in their charge that North Korea torpedoed their ship. We must work together to address this challenge and advance our shared objectives of peace and stability on the Korean peninsula," she said.
Here is the same lady who passed out teddy bears now pressing for an aggressive approach to the Korean problem. That’s just great, Hillary, blab us into another war. The Chinese must wonder if Hillary and Obama have not noticed that their messages are always ignored by the Chinese government.
The Head of the I.C.E., John Morton, warned that I.C.E. may not process illegal immigrants referred by the state of Arizona. Under Obama, enforcing the law is apparently optional.
Meanwhile various administration honchos lined up behind the microphone to weigh in on the BP oil spill. “We are on them, watching them,” Napolitano said. “We are going to stay on this and stay on BP until this gets done and it gets done the right way.”
Dick Durbin, one of the senators touring the damage area, accused BP of relying on “excuses” and said the company’s initials now stand for “beyond patience.”
EPA’s Carol Browner insisted that the government is in control of the oil spill effort. Amazing!
Despite all of the strong performances noted above, Ken Salazar takes the
ChronWatch Weekly Clown Prize. On his visit to Louisiana he notes after leaving BP’s Houston headquarters: "I am frustrated. I am angry. We are 33 days into this effort, and deadline after deadline has been missed," he told reporters "If we find they're not doing what they're supposed to be doing, we'll push them out of the way appropriately."
There was one moment of sanity, however. The Coast Guard Admiral in charge noted that “the Coast Guard is in the hands of BP to solve this problem. Only they have the expertise. We do not.”
Yet, bumbling Ken is going “to push them put of the way.” I assume he will place the Post Office in charge of the effort.
These guys (clowns) are all hopeless.