But, the message deserves repeating until we correct the Obama problem. Barack plunges ahead on his agenda oblivious to objections from any corner of the American public. His overwrought arrogance convinces him he knows what’s best for all of us. He is totally delusional in reading his lack of success. If you dare to disagree with him, he compares you to Timothy McVeigh. It is embarrassing to have a president who exhibits such a total lack of class by publicly blasting Republican congressmen, Fox News and Rush Limbaugh by name.
With that approach to governing, the Obama administration has created the most serious political divide in the country since the Vietnam War. Fortunately, only political blood will be shed over this confrontation, but the battle could be just as fierce. Before Obama, it was a “given” that the will of the people would ultimately prevail. Now, that fundamental concept is under attack. Ordinary Americans are angry as never before.
Will the American public tolerate such aggressive abuse of their treasured belief in the fundamental fairness of the American way of doing things? I don’t think so.