Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Barack and the media caused more damage than the oil spill

No one wants to admit it, but the BP oil spill was blown totally out of proportion by the Barack administration. The Obama clan furiously beat all the drums they could find in predicting the worst environmental disaster ever. Politically appropriate,it was caused by an evil Big Oil company. As usual, Barack put his mouth all over the oil spill. He, Ken Salazar, physics professor Chu, and Admiral Allen became totally delusional as the spill progressed.

The government group came to believe they were in charge of the spill control operation. In reality, none of them had the slightest experience in any operational endeavor. They collectively or individually had no clue of how to get the well under control. Obama deficiencies are popping up everywhere he turns. His inability to develop an awareness of reality is becoming more and more apparent.

The Obama administration set the stage for a media literally panting to ballyhoo the story into a non-stop dramatic portrayal of impending disaster. The picture of the oil spewing from the well occupied a space on our TV screens even though there was no newsworthy reason to do so. Gulf residents, fishermen, restaurant owners were all paraded before us nonstop with the same tale of woe. Their lives were wrecked and would never be the same. The media saw all this as paradise indeed.

As a result of all these shenanigans, BP became viewed as a community pinata by anyone even remotely connected to Gulf life. Barack and company made sure everyone knew the pinata was filled with endless dollars. Barack promised all who were remotely concerned they would get a chance to swing the stick at the piƱata in the hope money would come tumbling their way. Barack even appointed a referee to see that on one missed their turn. BP would be forced to keep the pinata filled with dollars. The public would be encouraged to swing away until BP had no more money. No sentiment or sorrow would be expressed when the money ran out. It would be treated as good riddance of a greedy oil company.

Certainly, BP has to step up to the plate first in paying damages. However, the actual damages have so far been relatively light. The major damage was caused by the administration’s and the media’s continually hyping an impending disaster of epic proportions. If there were any justice, the majority of the monetary claims should be directed at Obama and the media for promoting an impending disaster that never occurred. Fat chance of that happening!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

BP Oil Spill: Worst Environmental Disaster Ever?

For 100 days the media and the Obama administration shouted in their loudest voice, incessantly, all day, every day. The BP oil spill is the worst environmental disaster in world history. They painted a sweeping picture of oil spreading across all the gulf beaches. They warned that it may even sweep around to the Atlantic side of Florida. The Louisiana marshlands would be decimated with all the wildlife wiped out. The fishing industry was sure to be ruined for decades. The administration and the media joined forces to portray a total regional disaster that would last for decades. BP was threatened and trashed by all sectors of the Obama administration as the unfeeling greedy purveyors of this tragedy.

Naturally, people listened. They stayed away from this area destined to soon be totally destroyed. After all, who would want to look like the oil drenched pelican so repeatedly photographed? No one went to the beach resorts. Restaurant goers across the country did not order Gulf sea food. A drilling moratorium was issued by Barack’s fear mongers to the detriment of the thousands dependent on jobs in the industry. Gulf real estate prices dropped.

Now, switch to the present. On this past Saturday we have Mike Tobin of Fox News giving an up to the minute report from Grand Isle, Louisiana. Mike calmly states there was no oil on the beaches nor was any oil visible in the Gulf waters. This segment was followed by President Obama vacationing in Pensacola Beach, Florida stating that the Florida beaches are clean. He and Sasha are pictured paddling around in the Gulf waters. Most of the Gulf areas have been reopened to fishing and the seafood has been found free from contamination from oil. The marshes are already showing new growth. Only three mammals were found coated in oil. Fewer birds were killed as a result of the oil spill than in California’s Altamont Pass by the ultra-green wind turbines every six months on a year-in, year-out basis.

Now, it is infinitely safe to say that the disastrous predictions of the BP oil spill were nothing more than a combined media and political overreaction. In retrospect, there was no need for Barack and company to issue the dire panic notices, or for the media to parrot them ad nauseam. The region suffered unnecessary economic harm. BP deserved to be blamed, but not to be so mercilessly assaulted, both verbally and financially.
So, Barack and Sasha vacation in Florida putting out the message that things are back to normal. The real message should be they never were anywhere near the level of panic the administration projected. Does Barack offer any admission of that? Of course not. Is there an apology to BP for the administration’s misreading of the potential impact and the resulting over reaction? Are you kidding?
As for Fox News, you could sense their disappointment that this big, big 100 day story had disappeared as fast as it came up. Things are back to normal. The very next day, Fox’s Breaking News segment featured the story of a grizzly bear killing a camper in Yellowstone Park. At least that was better than the oft used car chase scene from Houston or L.A.

This is a sad story in misdirected public attention that caused great economic harm. The administration should be ashamed for jumping in with both political feet emphasized by Obama’s ever-present mouth. The media simply added another sad chapter in the “Journalisms Is Dead” book.

All along the story should have focused on the 11 men who died in the fire and explosion. At least that was the real long lasting and sad consequence of this disaster.