No one wants to admit it, but the BP oil spill was blown totally out of proportion by the Barack administration. The Obama clan furiously beat all the drums they could find in predicting the worst environmental disaster ever. Politically appropriate,it was caused by an evil Big Oil company. As usual, Barack put his mouth all over the oil spill. He, Ken Salazar, physics professor Chu, and Admiral Allen became totally delusional as the spill progressed.
The government group came to believe they were in charge of the spill control operation. In reality, none of them had the slightest experience in any operational endeavor. They collectively or individually had no clue of how to get the well under control. Obama deficiencies are popping up everywhere he turns. His inability to develop an awareness of reality is becoming more and more apparent.
The Obama administration set the stage for a media literally panting to ballyhoo the story into a non-stop dramatic portrayal of impending disaster. The picture of the oil spewing from the well occupied a space on our TV screens even though there was no newsworthy reason to do so. Gulf residents, fishermen, restaurant owners were all paraded before us nonstop with the same tale of woe. Their lives were wrecked and would never be the same. The media saw all this as paradise indeed.
As a result of all these shenanigans, BP became viewed as a community pinata by anyone even remotely connected to Gulf life. Barack and company made sure everyone knew the pinata was filled with endless dollars. Barack promised all who were remotely concerned they would get a chance to swing the stick at the piƱata in the hope money would come tumbling their way. Barack even appointed a referee to see that on one missed their turn. BP would be forced to keep the pinata filled with dollars. The public would be encouraged to swing away until BP had no more money. No sentiment or sorrow would be expressed when the money ran out. It would be treated as good riddance of a greedy oil company.
Certainly, BP has to step up to the plate first in paying damages. However, the actual damages have so far been relatively light. The major damage was caused by the administration’s and the media’s continually hyping an impending disaster of epic proportions. If there were any justice, the majority of the monetary claims should be directed at Obama and the media for promoting an impending disaster that never occurred. Fat chance of that happening!