Only a few months ago our big problem was high unemployment. Obama took his usual “no problem for a stepper like me” approach and threw billions of dollars at the problem. Guess what, the level of unemployment stayed high. Even worse, a gloomy slow growth scenario gradually unfolded. The U.S. and the European Union began to fear a global financial crisis. Stock markets around the world plummeted. Many economists talk openly of a double dip recession, coupled with increased inflation. Suddenly, no citizen feels secure. It becomes easy to see eerie comparisons to the 1930s.
The rest of the world also has serious problems. The Arab Spring continues its struggle to take a breath of democracy. Syrian protesters are shot by the hundreds. Libya’s rebels are literally at war against Gaddhafi. Rockets are fired at Israel. Thousands starve in Somalia. The leaders of Iran and Venezuela act like crazed bullies desperately seeking recognition. Macho Putin reacts to Obama’s “reset” by calling America a “parasite.”
In the U.S., it is obvious to all (except maybe Nancy and Harry) that the free spending habits of the government have created a real debt crisis. Over the years, we have built an entitlement society that may warm liberal hearts, but we simply can’t afford. Besides that, it produces a “why work?” mentality among its beneficiaries. Many cities and states have huge deficits. Even a basic reality check says something drastic must be done! Yet, the American political system is paralyzed and cannot act.
So, the American people face a crisis of historical proportions. The country faced similar threatening scenarios in the mid -1860s, the 1930s, and in World War II. Under strong leadership our people rose to overcome the challenge. In fact, the country emerged even stronger. All the American people need is a leader who can marshal a national response.
Unfortunately, the country now faces these new threats without any sign of effective leadership.Our President blames Congress while mouthing cheap political noises. If he does occasionally take an action, it is designed to protect his dwindling base. And, of course, he talks and talks and talks long after all have learned that his words are completely meaningless. His latest farcical action was to have constructed a million dollar “rock star” bus to take he and his teleprompter on a political swing through the Midwest states. Then, to cap off his non-performing ways he goes on yet another “golf before country” vacation. Talk about “fiddling while Rome burns.”
Recently, Obama has been labeled a “joke,” a “loser”, “hopelessly over his head’, “worse than Jimmy Carter”. My favorite label is “intellectual wimp.” Even formerly loyal supporters find themselves wishing they had backed Hillary. Some call for a Democratic Primary to select a candidate for 2012. His approval ratings sink to new low levels. His endless words cast blame on others. They provide zero leadership. The problems persist without any sign of correction. Yet another political speech only feeds the problem.
One thing for sure, if the right leader emerges in 2012, the American people will respond as they always have to solve the problem. We should all hope and pray for that to happen. The need is desperate.