A world full of peril
The economies of the United Sates and the rest of the countries in the world have been clobbered by the worst downturn in decades. Indications are the situation may get worse. Thus far, no country seems remotely capable of finding a solution.
The U.S. government has a deficit spending problem that could lead America into a situation similar to Greece. The American political process is frozen solid and cannot solve this or any other problem.
The Arab Spring countries cry for leadership and advice as they face “the dog that caught the car” dilemma. Now what do we do, they plead?
Iran is a rogue country, supplying weapons to terrorists who kill American soldiers. They are close to developing a nuclear bomb. Arenas of the government apparently sponsored an assassination attempt on American soil. They are developing ominous relations with our Latin American neighbors.
The Israelis are increasingly threatened by their Arab neighbors. Peace seems even more distant.
North Korea is led by a nutcase dictator with a nuclear bomb. Who knows what he may do?
Meanwhile, Uganda, Yemen and Somalia are beds of terrorist activity and are in total disarray.
And, that’s just for starters. In summary, the entire world is a hodgepodge of major problems.
Not to fear, Obama is here
Each of the above issues has huge potential impact not only on America but also the rest of the world. Accordingly, one would expect the President of the United Sates to be working overtime on each item.
On the contrary, President Obama is in full campaign mode concentrating entirely on his reelection. Mind you, this is an election that is over a year away. While the world holds its collective breath that none of the above time bombs go off, our president plays with their future by attacking his many political problems. It’s hard to believe, but it is true.
Not only that, but Barack continues to cheapen the presidency by behaving like a cheap political hack. He blames everybody else for his failures, even criticizing his opponents by name. In fact, he goes even further by claiming that everything his administration has done was the proper thing to do. Whew!
Barack personally stirs up the class battle of rich versus the poor. He plays the race card over and over again. He blames Bush, and anyone else that sounds like an opponent.
His solution to our economic problems is to apply the principles of Marxist socialism. He sides with the Occupy Wall Street protesters. It doesn’t matter to Barack that the protesters don’t really know what their cause is other than a government handout. Oh yes, Barack signals his priorities by bemoaning the cancellation of the first two weeks of the NBA schedule, glumly proclaiming, “We need our basketball.”
To top it off, Obama is off on a campaign bus tour of Virginia and North Carolina. This is the only approach Barack knows; find another audience to punish with yet another repetitive speech. I might add he campaigns at great expense to the taxpayer.
Overall, his tactics divide the country in a period that cries out for national
cohesion and working together to solve problems.
Sadly, our president is either oblivious to the many big problems we face, or he doesn’t know what to do about them. What was it they said about that emperor who fiddled while Rome burned? In this case, Our Emperor is on a campaign bus tour while the whole world may burn.