Whether you visualize a loving God or a punitive one, it’s easy to imagine that God struggles to maintain faith in our country. The founding fathers acknowledged in their many documents that the American concept had a strong religious foundation. That notion endured unchallenged for centuries. However, in recent years the liberal side of the political spectrum decided to attack this important principle.
To do so, the liberals picked “freedom of religion” as the basis. They attack public religious symbols of all types claiming they violate their right of religious choice. The term “Christmas” is attacked as are the holiday symbols such as public manger scenes and crosses. Church charities are denied public support despite their good works. The term “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance gets the same treatment. Even Tim Tebow is ridiculed for openly acknowledging his religious faith.
It would not be surprising if God was annoyed at this liberal effort to render Him irrelevant. But, there is clear evidence God manages to overlook these attacks and acts to protect our country in many ways. For example, take a look at the liberals who have been denied the job of President of the United States.
Can you imagine what we would have to endure if Goofus Al Gore had been elected president? Al would be building levees all along the U.S coast to protect us from the global warming hoax. Only wind and solar power would be allowed as all other sources were shut down. You can just imagine the rest.
And, with a more contemporary example, we should be grateful that God has protected Obama’s health. Otherwise, we would be faced with the tragic thought of a President Biden. What more bizarre prospect can you imagine for our country than an airhead like Joe attempting to carry out the duties of President? The world ignores just Obama and his ego driven speeches. A President Biden would be the subject of worldwide comedy celebrations.
John Kerry, the Vietnam hero, falls in the same category. God has wisely kept him at bay, and away from the office of President.
And, there is screaming Howard Dean who thankfully has gotten nowhere near the job. Surely, the Democrats are embarrassed over his candidacy.
So, thank you God for all those important favors. It’s comforting to realize you haven’t given up on us.
The flip side of this coin is the fact that the media is having the time of their lives portraying the field of Republican presidential candidates as weak and disorganized Now, I ask you, has there ever been a weaker group of candidates for the highest office than the Democrats offer? If you throw in Obama, the weakness of the field does not change. It gets really sad when you realize Hillary is the strongest of the lot. Oh my!