Monday, March 12, 2012

Obama, the person

In this political season, the performance of Barack Obama is a frequent topic of conversation. The talk is usually based on how he has handled various issues, such as the economy or foreign policy.

I believe there is another way of evaluating Barack. Let’s consider how he stacks up as “a person.” On a grander perspective, does he display traits you match with proper presidential behavior, as distinguished from particular decisions? Closer to home, if he were a neighbor would you ask him over frequently for a glass of wine or dinner? Is it likely you would count him as a friend? Would the two of you be compatible on most issues (except religion and politics of course)?

Frankly, I can’t think of any basis on which I would want personal time with Obama. I don’t see a smidgeon of agreement between us insofar as personality and character is concerned. First off, he talks way, way too much. Can you just imagine an evening with Barack? There wouldn’t be an opportunity for an edgewise word. Even worse, his continual “rattling on” is all about how great he is, how much smarter he is than the rest of us. Who wants to endure an evening of non-stop self praise?

But, that’s not all. Barack fails every test of fundamental honesty I can think of. One expects a politician to bend the truth a bit when it suits him politically. Obama is the champion chameleon among such benders of truth. In reality, there is no need to listen to his voluminous words because they have no meaning. His positions on issues are as changeable as the weather. They totally reflect how he reads the political tea leaves that day. That is shamelessly true.

Most of us dare not claim to be infallible. Obama, on the other hand, has never been wrong, never! Everything that does not go well (and that’s most everything he does) he blames on someone else. His favorite target is George Bush, but he leans heavily on all Republicans for excuses for his personal failures. In fact, it is fair to say that anyone who disagrees with him automatically becomes an attack target, even radio host, Rush. Apparently, Barack believes it is impossible for anyone of such superior intelligence to be wrong.

But, my worst Barack irritation comes when he runs down our country. Perhaps it is because of my advancing years. Or, maybe my patriotic roots “act up.” But somehow, I became ingrained with the belief that America is exceptional among the countries of the world. I have no doubt Americans stand out worldwide for their generosity, their love of freedom, and their wish for the best for others. Obama continually apologizes for American actions to other countries, factions, and world leaders. That goes beyond annoying. It is distressing. His tendency to trash the country I hold dear is just too much.

So, in summary, I see no basis on which to agree with, let alone praise, our dear president’s personal traits. No, I would not choose him as a friend or neighbor. Frankly, I can’t wait for his reign to end with this one term. When he is finally gone from the presidential scene, my TV remote button will get a well deserved rest. I believe a job with Acorn would be right down his alley. Then he can buy his Chevy Volt, if he can find one for sale. And Michelle will have to pay for her vacations like the rest of us. I can’t wait for that day to arrive.