Sunday, February 17, 2013

Obama, the talking machine

Presidents come and go, but Barack Obama stands above the rest in one characteristic.  He is without doubt the champion “motor mouth” of all time.  It isn’t even close.  Drug addicts must have their next fix on a daily, or even an hourly, basis.  Barack is just as driven to deliver his next speech.  He is totally addicted to the sound of his own voice.
Recently, he received massive media coverage for his State of the Union speech.  A normal politician would enjoy that huge exposure and relax for a bit, but not our boy.  He, his teleprompter, and his entourage are off on Air Force One the very next day to “speak” once again in North Carolina.  That is followed by two successive days of yet more speeches.  Four days and four speeches! For Barack, that is orgasmic.
Also, what you see is what you get.  That’s the Obama presidency in a nutshell.   Talk, and talk, and talk to satisfy his overwhelming need to voice his perceived superior intellect.  His only presidential actions are to expand his voter base by promoting a Greek-style entitlement society.  Other than that, Obama doesn’t actually “do” anything, except talk.  North Korea, Syria, Mali, Iran, Benghazi, the economy, and the deficit don’t reach his attention level.  Considering action on these hot spots would interfere with writing and delivering the daily speech. Barack rationalizes this approach by labeling it “leading from behind.”  A more realistic assessment would be “a continual failure to do anything at all.”
Only vacations in plush surroundings interfere with the daily talking fix.  If the vacation includes golf with rich supporters so much the better.  Those problems that so occupy other presidents are ignored.