Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Dem's 2016 Dream Team

Did you read that the Democrats are salivating over a 2016 presidential ticket featuring Hillary and Michelle?  You can see how liberals can get all worked up over such a possibility.  The female rights groups will make our lives miserable by continually pointing out that we finally have an all-female ticket.  It will be touted as an accomplishment equal to freeing of the slaves. 
If elected, the most serious White House problem will be the need to drastically expand the fleet of Air Force One and Two planes.  Hillary racked up record frequent flyer miles as Secretary of State.  Although it is not easy to do, she traveled to every corner of the world over and over and over. At each stop she expressed “great concern” for whatever problem happened to be floating around that day.  Even more remarkable, none of this activity resulted in a single notable accomplishment.   
The entire Obama family craves vacations like a dog loves bones.  Michelle goes for high end travel to places like London, Paris, Aspen, and Hawaii.  She is schooling her daughters to follow in her footsteps.  You have to be impressed that this teen age duo managed to visit the Bahamas and Aspen in one single Spring Break week.  Impressive!
On the positive side, surely Hillary as President will find a hair dresser with the talent to disguise her pudgy, moon-faced, stringy hair look.  No wonder Bill never ever visits.
As a sideline plus, Michelle can indulge her celebrity craze with abandon.  Just imagine, White House parties every week featuring endless Hollywood stars.   It is likely she will join the TV series “Dancing with the Stars” to gain extra personal exposure.  Hosting the next Oscar awards is not out of the question.
It isn’t clear what will be done with Barack in this scenario.  After all, we know he would simply expire within days unless he can make a speech to someone, somewhere, anyone, anywhere.  Perhaps the “Dream Team” can assign him a corner in Times Square for his daily non-stop babbling.  Providing such an outlet for the former “First Mouth” could be considered a humane gesture.
The cabinet possibilities drawn from the liberal establishment are endless.  For example, how about  Sean Penn as Secretary of State.  Tom Freidman would be ideal for Secretary of the Treasury.  Tough guy Brad Pitt as Secretary of Defense.   Health & Human Services would be a natural for Nancy Pelosi.  Based on his movie experience,  Ben Affleck should definitely head up the C.I.A. 
The President of the Sierra Club would be a natural for the E.P.A. job as would Ron Gettlefinger, the Head of the U.A.W. for Labor Secretary.   There are other celebrities that should be considered.  Beyonce, Dennis Rodman, Snoop Dogg, and Barbra Streisand come to mind.   The common feature of this group is a belief that because they can sing and act they can also “think.”   I briefly considered Oprah for a post but realized she is too capable to fit in with this group.
If you think this “Dream Team” doesn't excite you, consider the other option on the Dem table:  Joe Biden as President.  Why not go all the way for comedy and include Jim Carrey as a running mate for old “Joe Gaffe.”    At least, that way we could laugh at the Presidential speeches instead of using the mute button as we do now.
Taken collectively, you have to admit our Democrat friends certainly present a formidable group,

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Obama, a "wus" among bullies

The evidence is overwhelming.   The great United States of America has a one dimensional president.  No matter what problem arises, and no matter how severe it may be, Obama has only one reaction.  Find an audience somewhere, anywhere, hop on Air Force One, and deliver yet another empty speech.  That is our President in his full action mode.
Our world overflows with massive problems:  the global economy, the European Union disarray, an unpredictable Arab Spring, Syrians killing each other by the thousands, a morbid American economy with high unemployment and 50 million Americans on food stamps, a total impasse on the U.S budget, al Qaeda still a huge threat, etc.  
The leaders in Iran and North Korea are on Lance Armstrong doses of steroids as they try to attract world attention to their macho ambitions.  To heighten the threat Iran seems on the brink of developing a nuclear bomb with no hindrance from the rest of the world.  The little fat guy now ruling North Korea is determined to show he is even tougher than his dad.   He is close to developing a missile capable of reaching the U.S. to augment his nuclear capability.  
All of that is bad enough, but to top it off Hamid Karsai tells us to “piss off,” and get out of Afghanistan forthwith.  He goes further by accusing the U.S. of supporting the Taliban.
What is the President’s reaction to all of that?   First and foremost, he makes no attempt to confront any of the problems in any way.  One can only assume Barack sees Putin, Kim Jong-il, and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as bullies on the world playground. They obviously enjoy pushing around a weakling who won’t stand up to them.  Even the most meager opponent gets no Obama reaction.  After all, if Barack can’t slap Karsai in the face and put him in his place what can he do?
Apparently Obama rationalizes his abject weakness by assuming the world hasn’t yet realized how smart he is.  Invariably, he takes a standard approach.  Give yet another speech and maybe they’ll get it this time.   
But, what else would you expect from a “wus” President?

Monday, March 4, 2013

They have invaded my life

Now I know how a farmer feels when invaded by a plague of locusts.  Everywhere he turns there are those pesky insects.  They are in the fields.  They invade the barn.  They even get in the house despite his efforts to stop them. They swarm all over the dog as he tries to nap.  They are literally everywhere, impossible to escape.  The farmer’s once peaceful life has been totally disrupted.
The two Obamas have similarly invaded my life and produced the same effect.  Being  retired, I formed a habit of watching my favorite TV news and business shows on and off during the day. Meanwhile, Barack insists on giving daily boring speeches.   Somehow, an adoring media feels they are worthy of coverage.   As a result, I can no longer enjoy my routine pastime without being exposed to Barack’s latest finger-pointing lecture.   Muting the TV worked for awhile, but his smug, ever present face remained on the screen, thus rendering that technique unsatisfactory.  
Barack’s babbling mouth was bad enough, but lately he has been joined by a co-conspirator, Michelle.   Much like her husband, she feels she has something to say I should hear.  Here is the First Lady of the U.S. appearing on mindless TV talk shows.  Also, in her wisdom, she tells American school kids what they should and shouldn’t eat.  It is not clear whether her goal is to have them look like her emaciated husband (seen those pictures of him in golf shorts?) or her own well-fed self.  Just this week, Michelle expanded her “I’m relevant” campaign.  She announced that the diet of our dogs also deserves her attention.  First, she tells us how to raise our kids.  Now, she extends that to our mutts.
Recently, Michelle abruptly appeared  by satellite on the TV Oscar show, bangs and all, impressively surrounded by military reps in full dress uniforms.  Neither they nor Michelle had any reason at all to be there.  Only in the most arrogant reaches of the Obama mind does such a display make sense.
So, I have given up watching TV in the day or evening hours in order to escape the daily Obama intrusions.  That leaves me with only the Wall Street Journal to fall back on during those hours.   Hence, you can imagine my horror when I turned to the Editorial page this week only to find a piece by the Second Mouth herself.   With typical Obama ego, she praises herself for leading all of us to a slimmed down lifestyle.  By so doing, she waddled into my last remaining space free of the Obama curse.
Woe is me!  These two locusts are everywhere babbling to all who will listen.  I am told this horrible scenario will last another three to four years.  My life will not be the same until this plague flies away.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Obama, voracious politcal animal

Many of the Americans I know carry a set of traditional values that define their approach to life.  They believe in hard work, honesty, respect for others, belief in the American dream, etc.  They are fiercely independent.  
These values include respect for the incumbent president whether they agree with his politics or not.  In their view, the office of President of the United States deserves respect, even when the individual does not.  In return, they expect the president to behave in a manner in keeping with this distinguished office.   In other words, he should be, and act, “presidential” at all times.
Surely, all presidents are politicians first and foremost.  Even so, my traditionalists expect their president to act in the best interest of the country when it comes to a political choice.  The president is expected to represent all Americans, even those who did not vote for him.
Our President should avoid petty displays of displeasure.  After all, he’s “bigger” than that.  He should never publicly call out opposition individuals by name.  Healing differences among the citizenry is a priority because he realizes that leads to a stronger America.
Perhaps most importantly, the public would never have to fear that the president has some hidden agenda that would radically change the America that has served us so well.  
Any hope of achieving the presidential behavior described above went out the window when Barack Obama stepped into office.  To be blunt, his presidential actions fit the mold of a cheap Chicago politician. 
The current argument over the budget sequester shows Barack in his true light.  He has no intention of solving the problem.  His goal is purely political: embarrass the Republicans.  Gaining political advantage is always the objective.  It would please Barack if the sequester is enforced.   Then, he could roast the Republicans for months.   What’s best for the country gets lost in pursuit of scoring political points. 
It is sad to observe Obama’s total lack of presidential class in favor of cheap political gain.  As sad as that is, it becomes a minor problem compared to the radical direction he wants to take the country.   For sure, it means a subjugated America in world events. Entitlements for everyone in order to gain votes is a given.  That leads the U.S. to a mirror version of Greece, Italy, or Spain.  Or, his massive ego would really prefer a one party state like Cuba or Venezuela - under his control, of course.
My traditional American friends are totally disgusted with the Obama reign.