Sunday, March 17, 2013

Obama, a "wus" among bullies

The evidence is overwhelming.   The great United States of America has a one dimensional president.  No matter what problem arises, and no matter how severe it may be, Obama has only one reaction.  Find an audience somewhere, anywhere, hop on Air Force One, and deliver yet another empty speech.  That is our President in his full action mode.
Our world overflows with massive problems:  the global economy, the European Union disarray, an unpredictable Arab Spring, Syrians killing each other by the thousands, a morbid American economy with high unemployment and 50 million Americans on food stamps, a total impasse on the U.S budget, al Qaeda still a huge threat, etc.  
The leaders in Iran and North Korea are on Lance Armstrong doses of steroids as they try to attract world attention to their macho ambitions.  To heighten the threat Iran seems on the brink of developing a nuclear bomb with no hindrance from the rest of the world.  The little fat guy now ruling North Korea is determined to show he is even tougher than his dad.   He is close to developing a missile capable of reaching the U.S. to augment his nuclear capability.  
All of that is bad enough, but to top it off Hamid Karsai tells us to “piss off,” and get out of Afghanistan forthwith.  He goes further by accusing the U.S. of supporting the Taliban.
What is the President’s reaction to all of that?   First and foremost, he makes no attempt to confront any of the problems in any way.  One can only assume Barack sees Putin, Kim Jong-il, and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as bullies on the world playground. They obviously enjoy pushing around a weakling who won’t stand up to them.  Even the most meager opponent gets no Obama reaction.  After all, if Barack can’t slap Karsai in the face and put him in his place what can he do?
Apparently Obama rationalizes his abject weakness by assuming the world hasn’t yet realized how smart he is.  Invariably, he takes a standard approach.  Give yet another speech and maybe they’ll get it this time.   
But, what else would you expect from a “wus” President?