Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Dem's 2016 Dream Team

Did you read that the Democrats are salivating over a 2016 presidential ticket featuring Hillary and Michelle?  You can see how liberals can get all worked up over such a possibility.  The female rights groups will make our lives miserable by continually pointing out that we finally have an all-female ticket.  It will be touted as an accomplishment equal to freeing of the slaves. 
If elected, the most serious White House problem will be the need to drastically expand the fleet of Air Force One and Two planes.  Hillary racked up record frequent flyer miles as Secretary of State.  Although it is not easy to do, she traveled to every corner of the world over and over and over. At each stop she expressed “great concern” for whatever problem happened to be floating around that day.  Even more remarkable, none of this activity resulted in a single notable accomplishment.   
The entire Obama family craves vacations like a dog loves bones.  Michelle goes for high end travel to places like London, Paris, Aspen, and Hawaii.  She is schooling her daughters to follow in her footsteps.  You have to be impressed that this teen age duo managed to visit the Bahamas and Aspen in one single Spring Break week.  Impressive!
On the positive side, surely Hillary as President will find a hair dresser with the talent to disguise her pudgy, moon-faced, stringy hair look.  No wonder Bill never ever visits.
As a sideline plus, Michelle can indulge her celebrity craze with abandon.  Just imagine, White House parties every week featuring endless Hollywood stars.   It is likely she will join the TV series “Dancing with the Stars” to gain extra personal exposure.  Hosting the next Oscar awards is not out of the question.
It isn’t clear what will be done with Barack in this scenario.  After all, we know he would simply expire within days unless he can make a speech to someone, somewhere, anyone, anywhere.  Perhaps the “Dream Team” can assign him a corner in Times Square for his daily non-stop babbling.  Providing such an outlet for the former “First Mouth” could be considered a humane gesture.
The cabinet possibilities drawn from the liberal establishment are endless.  For example, how about  Sean Penn as Secretary of State.  Tom Freidman would be ideal for Secretary of the Treasury.  Tough guy Brad Pitt as Secretary of Defense.   Health & Human Services would be a natural for Nancy Pelosi.  Based on his movie experience,  Ben Affleck should definitely head up the C.I.A. 
The President of the Sierra Club would be a natural for the E.P.A. job as would Ron Gettlefinger, the Head of the U.A.W. for Labor Secretary.   There are other celebrities that should be considered.  Beyonce, Dennis Rodman, Snoop Dogg, and Barbra Streisand come to mind.   The common feature of this group is a belief that because they can sing and act they can also “think.”   I briefly considered Oprah for a post but realized she is too capable to fit in with this group.
If you think this “Dream Team” doesn't excite you, consider the other option on the Dem table:  Joe Biden as President.  Why not go all the way for comedy and include Jim Carrey as a running mate for old “Joe Gaffe.”    At least, that way we could laugh at the Presidential speeches instead of using the mute button as we do now.
Taken collectively, you have to admit our Democrat friends certainly present a formidable group,