There is no better example of the fuzzy liberal mind than the annual celebration of Earth Day. Liberals believe their primary earthly role is to correct the many failures of our human society. Facts and logic are irrelevant to carrying out this mission. For liberals, it’s all about stoking up their feeling of “doing good.” Liberals believe we humans are busily engaged in destroying the Earth, much like termites chewing up a house. So, the libs commission Earth Day to recognize this sad state of affairs. Then, they can then pat themselves on the back and “feel good” once again. I know that’s amazing, but it’s true.
Mayor Abram Wilson of San Ramon, California recently wrote an article for Alive magazine in celebration of the upcoming 40th Earth Day. It is a perfect example of this mushy liberal thinking. I am sorry to report Mayor Wilson is a Republican, which gives you a good idea of how successful liberals have been in selling their mantra. The good Mayor says:
“Earth Day was designed to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth’s environment….. Now forty years later, the world is in greater risk than ever…… Earth Day 2010 can be a turning point to enhance environmental policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, and green jobs.”
I am sure the Mayor is a man of intelligence. But, you wouldn’t know it from his verbiage. True to the liberal tradition, he avoids facts and his words have little real meaning. “The world is in greater risk than ever.” With such a dire prediction, one would expect the Mayor to tell us what the great risk is all about.
•“Enhance environmental policy” -What on earth does that mean? What environmental policy?
•“Energy efficiency.” Libs hatred of “nasty” fossil fuels is somehow coupled with fear of dependence on foreign oil. The net result is a liberal policy that is hogwash of the highest order.
•“Renewable energy.” The global warming dogma re-enforces the liberal belief that humans are abusing the Earth, and threatening its survival. Therefore, no evidence is needed to justify a fix that may bust the economy, a fix that is probably not needed in the first place.
•“Green jobs.” This is the liberal coup de grace, a real “feel good” doozy. We can support the Earth Day principles and hit a lick for the economy at the same time. But, all “green jobs” are highly subsidized. Therefore, they divert our economic wealth from better applications.
To be honest, Mr. Wilson, I have a different perspective on the health of the earth. In fact, each of the previous forty years has seen steady progress towards a cleaner environment. Things environmental have steadily gotten better, not worse. . That improvement has been made possible by allocations from the wealth creation of our economic system. The only “dire threat” I see is that fuzzy liberal thinking will interfere with the wealth generation that allows us to continue to improve the environment while also solving important social problems as well.
The dooms day predictions of forty years ago have been totally discredited. But those alarmist warnings of forty years ago have simply been replaced with a new updated version. Back then, the threat was global cooling. Now, it is global warming. Then and now, facts are irrelevant. The global warming hype has been discredited, but remains the cause célèbre for liberals. One can only wonder what the fuzzy liberal mind will dream up for the Earth Day celebration forty years from now. How about a Noah-style flood of the entire earth? If not that, the liberals will think of some dire threat.