A call to action
Up to now, I have not been a political activist by any stretch of the imagination. I try to stay reasonably current in what is going on in the world. I publish this Website as a written outlet for my sentiments. But, I do not participate in election campaigns, and my cash donations hardly rate a thank you note. Typically, I stay somewhat relaxed when the day-to-day political discourse strays from my views. I am able to shrug off deviations in the belief that our political system would not get too far off track. After all, the thought goes, our country has all these built-in protections. I assumed that in the long run, the will of the American people would ultimately prevail. I told myself untoward diversions would be forced back to an acceptable center eventually.
This past year changed all that. I sat in horror watching the in-your-face audacity of the Obama, Pelosi, Reid trio on health care. The will of the people was openly and deliberately trashed before our eyes. It was done in pursuit of achieving a legacy position on a long desired liberal goal, universal health care. The legislation was a pile of trash cobbled together with consequences unknown even to the trio. The stated goal of reducing health cost was a deliberate prevarication.
More importantly, it proved to me this administration has goals and aspirations that threaten this country’s basic fabric. With this group it isn’t a matter of pushing the country slightly one way or the other. That, we are accustomed to. Increasingly, it is apparent Obama visualizes an America that scares the wits out of those of us with more traditional values. Even worse, he is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goal. Apparently, this is the way they have always done it in Chicago. The trio is the political equivalent of suicide bombers. They are willing to risk their political majority if that is what it takes to further the liberal agenda.
This abject rejection of the will of the people is cause enough for concern on its own merits. It becomes all the more frightening if you factor in Obama’s presidential incompetence pushed into overdrive by his extreme arrogance. Here we have a guy in charge of our country’s destiny who has not performed on any issue. How you view health care as a victory depends on our point of view. Obama is the joke of the world in the foreign affairs arena. Domestically, he is intent on bankrupting the country by focusing on yet more entitlements irrespective of the effect on America’s deteriorating financial situation. Hence, Obama is a double threat to our long term future.
All in all, I finally realize that I must abandon my laissez faire attitude to politics. The path taken by this administration presents extreme risk of permanent damage to our country. That I cannot allow without at least speaking up.
Join me. Become an activist today. Enough, already!