We’ve become accustomed to politicians with egos with insatiable appetites. It’s an accepted price we pay for governance. However, it’s worth noting that the ego driven needs of Barack Obama set a whole new standard.
Barack started out his term by travelling around the world apologizing personally for America’s past sins. While it is likely that Reverend Wright was happy, it didn’t sit well with those of us who are proud to be Americans. From there, his various forays into foreign affairs can best be characterized as amateurish embarrassments. He naively believed his typical wordy solution to issues would cause Putin, Iran, the North Koreans, and the Chinese to do exactly what he wanted.
The Chinese change their message every other day. One can only guess this is a cat and mouse game they enjoy playing with Barack. Then, he sends Hillary waddling out to reinforce his naivete by presenting a “reset button” to black-belt Putin. Biden, the vice presidential version of “governance by mouth,” was even allowed to speak on foreign affairs. The Attorney General embarrassingly mishandled the Guantanamo Bay issue.
It was amateur night again when Obama publicly chided Israel over the settlement issue. With his huffing and puffing he made Israel look like our primary enemy and the main impediment to world peace. This issue would not have been such a big deal if Barack hadn’t mouthed it into one. His pronouncements made the Palestinians sound like innocent choir boys being roughed up by the Israeli bullies.
Meanwhile, Iran races unimpeded to the development of a nuclear weapon. They train the Taliban to build devices to kill our soldiers in Afghanistan. Iran is a primary source of armaments for our enemies. Yet, Obama is totally clueless, and silent, on how to deal with the Iranian bully boys.
The administration’s approach to Honduras boggled everyone’s mind except Obama and Hillary. Then, he acts as the tough guy to another small potatoes guy, Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan. Less than a month after his Obama lecture, Hamid let the world know you need not fear His Arrogance.
It was easy to imagine the amused reaction of the foreign leaders. Where did the Americans find this guy? On TV’s American Idol?
What is the bottom line? Obama has stumbled, bumbled, and fumbled around the world displaying a combination of schoolboy naivete overlaid with out-of-control arrogance