A ChronWatch reader recently asked why we no longer critique the Chronicle. Here’s the story.
ChronWatch was formed almost ten years ago to critique the S.F. Chronicle, hence the name of the website . At that time, readers did not expect the flagrant media bias that exists today. News content was assumed to be reported without bias with opinions restricted to the editorial pages. The Chronicle was among the first newspapers to ignore these traditional media rules as it adopted an unfailing and unapologetic liberal bias.
Naively, ChronWatch hoped its critiques would influence the Chronicle to adopt a more balanced political tone.
At the same time, the quality of the Chron offerings deteriorated markedly. Predictably, circulation dropped. That downward trend continues today with Chron circulation down over 11% in the past year.
Several years ago, ChronWatch finally realized it no longer made sense to continue to critique the Chron. The bias was still there, even more so. But, the newspaper’s quality and substance deteriorated so badly critique no longer seemed appropriate. In fact, the offerings were so poor that ChronWatch editors began to feel sorry for the Chron. Accordingly, we stopped our critique. With some remorse I canceled my Chron subscription after some thirty years of daily delivery to my home.
The S.F. Chronicle is a sad tale of institutional decline. The Chron was once a proud media establishment that now struggles in its pretense at relevance.
The ChronWatch Blog offers commentary and editorial comments with a conservative slant.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
"Progressive" virus infects California
Californians elect a geriatric moonbeam, Jerry Brown, as their retread governor. Barbara Boxer is reelected despite a totally ineffective career. Even the over-board lib newspaper the SF Chronicle could not bring themselves to endorse her The flaky San Francisco Mayor, Gavin Newsom is elected Lt. Governor. Remarkably, voters in the city of San Francisco cast ballots in favor of these candidates at the 80% level. The proposition to temporarily set aside the global warming initiatives was defeated. This, despite the fact these initiatives have negative economic consequences in a state with massive unemployment. The state faces huge deficits that will require herculean efforts to overcome, but social priorities continue to command politician’s attention.
How can you explain this totally irrational behavior of Californians?
ChronWatch believes there must be a serious virus infecting large numbers of the residents of the golden state of California. The virus is a peculiar strain of liberalism that causes citizens to react emotionally and illogically to issues of importance. Unlike most diseases, those with the virus become quite proud of their condition and justify it by proudly calling themselves “progressives.” The virus is concentrated in the San Francisco area, but has spread into other areas in the Bay Area as well.
Virus victims habitually elect as their leaders those who possess the most active form of the virus. Leaders in advanced stages of the disease include Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Pete Stark, George Miller, Lynn Woolsey, Gavin Newsom, and others. The San Francisco Board of Supervisors exhibits the most serious characteristics of the disease. Their deliberations are so far out they become comical. Mayor Newsom acts as their ringmaster as they gaily ban plastic shopping bags and McDonald’s Happy Meals, while supervising the citizenry on properly recycling their garbage and serving as their food police. In a bold display of “progressive” leadership Mayor Newsom rips out the grass in front of City Hall and plants a victory garden. How impressive! Meanwhile, large budget deficits get lip service.
The virus even strikes those of a different political persuasion causing them to react in the same manner as the “progressives.” For example, Republican Governor Schwarzenegger loudly supports the Al Gore global warming hype. The virus has obviously reached as far as Sacramento.
Fortunately, the people in the rest of the country seem to have built a strong resistance to the “progressive” virus, leaving Californians to suffer alone.
How can you explain this totally irrational behavior of Californians?
ChronWatch believes there must be a serious virus infecting large numbers of the residents of the golden state of California. The virus is a peculiar strain of liberalism that causes citizens to react emotionally and illogically to issues of importance. Unlike most diseases, those with the virus become quite proud of their condition and justify it by proudly calling themselves “progressives.” The virus is concentrated in the San Francisco area, but has spread into other areas in the Bay Area as well.
Virus victims habitually elect as their leaders those who possess the most active form of the virus. Leaders in advanced stages of the disease include Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Pete Stark, George Miller, Lynn Woolsey, Gavin Newsom, and others. The San Francisco Board of Supervisors exhibits the most serious characteristics of the disease. Their deliberations are so far out they become comical. Mayor Newsom acts as their ringmaster as they gaily ban plastic shopping bags and McDonald’s Happy Meals, while supervising the citizenry on properly recycling their garbage and serving as their food police. In a bold display of “progressive” leadership Mayor Newsom rips out the grass in front of City Hall and plants a victory garden. How impressive! Meanwhile, large budget deficits get lip service.
The virus even strikes those of a different political persuasion causing them to react in the same manner as the “progressives.” For example, Republican Governor Schwarzenegger loudly supports the Al Gore global warming hype. The virus has obviously reached as far as Sacramento.
Fortunately, the people in the rest of the country seem to have built a strong resistance to the “progressive” virus, leaving Californians to suffer alone.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Barack and the media caused more damage than the oil spill

No one wants to admit it, but the BP oil spill was blown totally out of proportion by the Barack administration. The Obama clan furiously beat all the drums they could find in predicting the worst environmental disaster ever. Politically appropriate,it was caused by an evil Big Oil company. As usual, Barack put his mouth all over the oil spill. He, Ken Salazar, physics professor Chu, and Admiral Allen became totally delusional as the spill progressed.
The government group came to believe they were in charge of the spill control operation. In reality, none of them had the slightest experience in any operational endeavor. They collectively or individually had no clue of how to get the well under control. Obama deficiencies are popping up everywhere he turns. His inability to develop an awareness of reality is becoming more and more apparent.
The Obama administration set the stage for a media literally panting to ballyhoo the story into a non-stop dramatic portrayal of impending disaster. The picture of the oil spewing from the well occupied a space on our TV screens even though there was no newsworthy reason to do so. Gulf residents, fishermen, restaurant owners were all paraded before us nonstop with the same tale of woe. Their lives were wrecked and would never be the same. The media saw all this as paradise indeed.
As a result of all these shenanigans, BP became viewed as a community pinata by anyone even remotely connected to Gulf life. Barack and company made sure everyone knew the pinata was filled with endless dollars. Barack promised all who were remotely concerned they would get a chance to swing the stick at the piƱata in the hope money would come tumbling their way. Barack even appointed a referee to see that on one missed their turn. BP would be forced to keep the pinata filled with dollars. The public would be encouraged to swing away until BP had no more money. No sentiment or sorrow would be expressed when the money ran out. It would be treated as good riddance of a greedy oil company.
Certainly, BP has to step up to the plate first in paying damages. However, the actual damages have so far been relatively light. The major damage was caused by the administration’s and the media’s continually hyping an impending disaster of epic proportions. If there were any justice, the majority of the monetary claims should be directed at Obama and the media for promoting an impending disaster that never occurred. Fat chance of that happening!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
BP Oil Spill: Worst Environmental Disaster Ever?
For 100 days the media and the Obama administration shouted in their loudest voice, incessantly, all day, every day. The BP oil spill is the worst environmental disaster in world history. They painted a sweeping picture of oil spreading across all the gulf beaches. They warned that it may even sweep around to the Atlantic side of Florida. The Louisiana marshlands would be decimated with all the wildlife wiped out. The fishing industry was sure to be ruined for decades. The administration and the media joined forces to portray a total regional disaster that would last for decades. BP was threatened and trashed by all sectors of the Obama administration as the unfeeling greedy purveyors of this tragedy.
Naturally, people listened. They stayed away from this area destined to soon be totally destroyed. After all, who would want to look like the oil drenched pelican so repeatedly photographed? No one went to the beach resorts. Restaurant goers across the country did not order Gulf sea food. A drilling moratorium was issued by Barack’s fear mongers to the detriment of the thousands dependent on jobs in the industry. Gulf real estate prices dropped.
Now, switch to the present. On this past Saturday we have Mike Tobin of Fox News giving an up to the minute report from Grand Isle, Louisiana. Mike calmly states there was no oil on the beaches nor was any oil visible in the Gulf waters. This segment was followed by President Obama vacationing in Pensacola Beach, Florida stating that the Florida beaches are clean. He and Sasha are pictured paddling around in the Gulf waters. Most of the Gulf areas have been reopened to fishing and the seafood has been found free from contamination from oil. The marshes are already showing new growth. Only three mammals were found coated in oil. Fewer birds were killed as a result of the oil spill than in California’s Altamont Pass by the ultra-green wind turbines every six months on a year-in, year-out basis.
Now, it is infinitely safe to say that the disastrous predictions of the BP oil spill were nothing more than a combined media and political overreaction. In retrospect, there was no need for Barack and company to issue the dire panic notices, or for the media to parrot them ad nauseam. The region suffered unnecessary economic harm. BP deserved to be blamed, but not to be so mercilessly assaulted, both verbally and financially.
So, Barack and Sasha vacation in Florida putting out the message that things are back to normal. The real message should be they never were anywhere near the level of panic the administration projected. Does Barack offer any admission of that? Of course not. Is there an apology to BP for the administration’s misreading of the potential impact and the resulting over reaction? Are you kidding?
As for Fox News, you could sense their disappointment that this big, big 100 day story had disappeared as fast as it came up. Things are back to normal. The very next day, Fox’s Breaking News segment featured the story of a grizzly bear killing a camper in Yellowstone Park. At least that was better than the oft used car chase scene from Houston or L.A.
This is a sad story in misdirected public attention that caused great economic harm. The administration should be ashamed for jumping in with both political feet emphasized by Obama’s ever-present mouth. The media simply added another sad chapter in the “Journalisms Is Dead” book.
All along the story should have focused on the 11 men who died in the fire and explosion. At least that was the real long lasting and sad consequence of this disaster.
Naturally, people listened. They stayed away from this area destined to soon be totally destroyed. After all, who would want to look like the oil drenched pelican so repeatedly photographed? No one went to the beach resorts. Restaurant goers across the country did not order Gulf sea food. A drilling moratorium was issued by Barack’s fear mongers to the detriment of the thousands dependent on jobs in the industry. Gulf real estate prices dropped.
Now, switch to the present. On this past Saturday we have Mike Tobin of Fox News giving an up to the minute report from Grand Isle, Louisiana. Mike calmly states there was no oil on the beaches nor was any oil visible in the Gulf waters. This segment was followed by President Obama vacationing in Pensacola Beach, Florida stating that the Florida beaches are clean. He and Sasha are pictured paddling around in the Gulf waters. Most of the Gulf areas have been reopened to fishing and the seafood has been found free from contamination from oil. The marshes are already showing new growth. Only three mammals were found coated in oil. Fewer birds were killed as a result of the oil spill than in California’s Altamont Pass by the ultra-green wind turbines every six months on a year-in, year-out basis.
Now, it is infinitely safe to say that the disastrous predictions of the BP oil spill were nothing more than a combined media and political overreaction. In retrospect, there was no need for Barack and company to issue the dire panic notices, or for the media to parrot them ad nauseam. The region suffered unnecessary economic harm. BP deserved to be blamed, but not to be so mercilessly assaulted, both verbally and financially.
So, Barack and Sasha vacation in Florida putting out the message that things are back to normal. The real message should be they never were anywhere near the level of panic the administration projected. Does Barack offer any admission of that? Of course not. Is there an apology to BP for the administration’s misreading of the potential impact and the resulting over reaction? Are you kidding?
As for Fox News, you could sense their disappointment that this big, big 100 day story had disappeared as fast as it came up. Things are back to normal. The very next day, Fox’s Breaking News segment featured the story of a grizzly bear killing a camper in Yellowstone Park. At least that was better than the oft used car chase scene from Houston or L.A.
This is a sad story in misdirected public attention that caused great economic harm. The administration should be ashamed for jumping in with both political feet emphasized by Obama’s ever-present mouth. The media simply added another sad chapter in the “Journalisms Is Dead” book.
All along the story should have focused on the 11 men who died in the fire and explosion. At least that was the real long lasting and sad consequence of this disaster.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Obama, Muslims, and NASA
What do Muslims and NASA have in common? Stupid question, you say. The two entities have nothing at all in common. If you aren’t already convinced that Obama is “out of touch,” and in over his head, the following incident should drive you in that direction.
In a recent interview Charles Bolton, the NASA Administrator, said that his “foremost” mission as the head of America’s space exploration agency is to improve relations with the Muslim world. He stated he was given this charge by Obama himself. That’s right, our sitting president believes our national space agency’s primary mission is to improve relations with the Muslim world!
This Obama guy is desperately out of phase with traditional America. Is he really the president of the same country that I live in? It’s beyond unbelievable. It is downright scary.
In a recent interview Charles Bolton, the NASA Administrator, said that his “foremost” mission as the head of America’s space exploration agency is to improve relations with the Muslim world. He stated he was given this charge by Obama himself. That’s right, our sitting president believes our national space agency’s primary mission is to improve relations with the Muslim world!
This Obama guy is desperately out of phase with traditional America. Is he really the president of the same country that I live in? It’s beyond unbelievable. It is downright scary.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
ChronWatch Interviews Obama (Pretend)

ChronWatch: Mr. President, what is your reaction to the negative criticism you have received over the BP oil spill?
Obama: I don’t understand it at all. After all, I’ve made several speeches and trips to the Gulf Coast. I beat up on BP unmercifully. I personally and publicly insulted Tony Hayward. I forced BP to agree to a $20 billion fund without any legal basis at all. What else could I do?
ChronWatch: The public seems to think you should have acted to control the effects of the spill.
Obama: You’ve been listening to Bobby Jindal. Don’t forget he is a Republican. What do you expect him to say?
ChronWatch: Hayward apologized many times for the spill. He stated over and over that BP would do whatever it took to make things right for those affected. Do you think it was necessary to come down so hard on him publicly?
Obama: Those Brits give me a pain. They think they are so cool. That’s why I sent the Churchill statute back where it belongs. That Hayward guy is way so “Brit cool.” I enjoyed taking advantage of him. Does he really think that $20 million will be the end of it? I learned in Chicago that you kick’em real good while they’re down. Isn’t that what presidential power is all about?
To top it off, Henry Waxman and his fellow weasels pounded on Hayward again. No wonder he went back to London with his tail between his legs. We gave him a good mugging, that’s what.
ChronWatch: So, what is your next step on controlling the spill?
Obama: Now that we have flummoxed BP in every way possible, we can use the incident to stop all off shore drilling. That will really please the environmental groups. Also, I’ll make a couple dozen speeches connecting the spill to global warming. Maybe we can jam through cap and trade like we did health care.
ChronWatch: But, what about the spill?
Obama: Can you tell me what else there is to do? As far as I am concerned my work is done except for a few more speeches. Meanwhile, my cabinet and I can relax and have another snow cone. After that, I plan to get in a round of golf.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Obama: politics trumps environmental concerns
From the outset, the potential environmental impact from the BP oil spill shocked the nation. We watched as BP worked to stop the leak and to control the spill damage. Almost two months later, we sit stunned as we realize the Obama administration has made no effort to assist, none. It has become clear Barack views the catastrophic BP spill as a political opportunity, not an environmental disaster. As a result, the administration has adopted an approach of “do nothing, just blame BP.”
Apparently this is right out of the Rahm Emanuel thesis of “it’s a shame to waste a crisis.” Barack’s only reaction has been to mount relentless attacks on BP. That approach fits right in with his Main Street versus Wall Street theme. All corporations are bad. Oil companies are especially evil. Their product is filthy and nasty. All corporate executives are dishonest. BP’s group leads the pack. Keep pounding on the theme that no punishment is too severe for BP.
In doing so, the administration managed to divert public attention away from falling Obama poll numbers and endless tea parties. However, to Obama’s apparent surprise, the public expected much more from their president. To the public, this event was not unlike 9/11. To the everyday American, the spill crisis represented an unexpected attack on a segment of the traditional American way of life, even if the environmental impact was regional. They expected their president to mount a campaign that attacks and defeats this national problem. Americans expect an effort they can talk about and be proud of. A Chicago style rubbish campaign was the very last thing they expected or wanted. Instead of being proud, they are ashamed.
Minimizing the damage to the environment from the spill would have been an ideal government intervention. Tell BP to concentrate on stopping the spill. That is their area of expertise. Then, put together a national effort to control the oil from the spill. I am sure BP would agree to reimburse the government for such an effort. Put the slimy Waxman inquisitions on hold until the spill is stopped. Tell Eric Holder to stay at home (and be quiet). Advise the trial lawyers to “cool it.” Form a committee of Gulf governors that talks daily with Obama to set priorities. Put out daily reports on the real status of the environmental impact, beach by beach, marsh by marsh. Stop the irrelevant pounding on whether the spill is 10,000 barrels a day or 40,000. Encourage the media to paint a balanced picture of the problem. i.e., we’ve seen enough oil soaked pelicans. In other words, get real, guys.
Ah, but such an effort requires a presidential leader. Instead, we elected an ineffective, and highly political, word machine. This president just doesn’t get it. Sad!
Apparently this is right out of the Rahm Emanuel thesis of “it’s a shame to waste a crisis.” Barack’s only reaction has been to mount relentless attacks on BP. That approach fits right in with his Main Street versus Wall Street theme. All corporations are bad. Oil companies are especially evil. Their product is filthy and nasty. All corporate executives are dishonest. BP’s group leads the pack. Keep pounding on the theme that no punishment is too severe for BP.
In doing so, the administration managed to divert public attention away from falling Obama poll numbers and endless tea parties. However, to Obama’s apparent surprise, the public expected much more from their president. To the public, this event was not unlike 9/11. To the everyday American, the spill crisis represented an unexpected attack on a segment of the traditional American way of life, even if the environmental impact was regional. They expected their president to mount a campaign that attacks and defeats this national problem. Americans expect an effort they can talk about and be proud of. A Chicago style rubbish campaign was the very last thing they expected or wanted. Instead of being proud, they are ashamed.
Minimizing the damage to the environment from the spill would have been an ideal government intervention. Tell BP to concentrate on stopping the spill. That is their area of expertise. Then, put together a national effort to control the oil from the spill. I am sure BP would agree to reimburse the government for such an effort. Put the slimy Waxman inquisitions on hold until the spill is stopped. Tell Eric Holder to stay at home (and be quiet). Advise the trial lawyers to “cool it.” Form a committee of Gulf governors that talks daily with Obama to set priorities. Put out daily reports on the real status of the environmental impact, beach by beach, marsh by marsh. Stop the irrelevant pounding on whether the spill is 10,000 barrels a day or 40,000. Encourage the media to paint a balanced picture of the problem. i.e., we’ve seen enough oil soaked pelicans. In other words, get real, guys.
Ah, but such an effort requires a presidential leader. Instead, we elected an ineffective, and highly political, word machine. This president just doesn’t get it. Sad!
Thursday, May 27, 2010

He said,
“With iPods and iPads and Xboxes and PlayStations, -- none of which I know how to work -- information becomes a distraction, a diversion, a form of entertainment, rather than a tool of empowerment, rather than the means of emancipation."
The media was mystified by his comments. Up to now, everyone assumed Barack was way cool with any and all high-tech gadgets. He is widely quoted as saying he would never be separated from his Blackberry. So, why is Obama suddenly dinging all these modern, and popular, tools of communication and amusement?
It’s simple if you think about it. Barack views those gadgets as personal competitors. As he sees the world, his main role in life is to share his brilliance with the much less enlightened public. He fulfills this self-induced mission by giving speech after speech after speech. A person, or any object, that interferes with that role is simply unacceptable. Put simply, if people are playing with any of those devices they cannot be listening to him read from his teleprompter.
After all, giving a speech is second only to food and sex on Barack’s priority list, and I’m not too sure about ranking sex ahead of talking.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

“Send in the clowns, send in the clowns.” So goes the famous Sondheim song. The song writer must have been thinking of the Obama administration when he added the line: “Don’t bother, they‘re here.”
Super Chief Barack jetted off to West Point to bore the graduating cadets with another teleprompter speech that only he is impressed with. He tells the cadets there is a new international order underway. The cadets must have been thinking, “Yeah, one where the U.S. is a second rate member if this guy has anything to do with it.”
Obama’s foreign affairs whip, Hillary, is always ready to chip in whether needed or not. She was in China giving away teddy bears at the Shanghai Expo. True! Later, Clinton engaged in saber rattling over the latest North/South Korean flap. She tells her Chinese counterpart, “Oh yes, we are supporting South Korea in their charge that North Korea torpedoed their ship. We must work together to address this challenge and advance our shared objectives of peace and stability on the Korean peninsula," she said.
Here is the same lady who passed out teddy bears now pressing for an aggressive approach to the Korean problem. That’s just great, Hillary, blab us into another war. The Chinese must wonder if Hillary and Obama have not noticed that their messages are always ignored by the Chinese government.
The Head of the I.C.E., John Morton, warned that I.C.E. may not process illegal immigrants referred by the state of Arizona. Under Obama, enforcing the law is apparently optional.
Meanwhile various administration honchos lined up behind the microphone to weigh in on the BP oil spill. “We are on them, watching them,” Napolitano said. “We are going to stay on this and stay on BP until this gets done and it gets done the right way.”
Dick Durbin, one of the senators touring the damage area, accused BP of relying on “excuses” and said the company’s initials now stand for “beyond patience.”
EPA’s Carol Browner insisted that the government is in control of the oil spill effort. Amazing!
Despite all of the strong performances noted above, Ken Salazar takes the ChronWatch Weekly Clown Prize. On his visit to Louisiana he notes after leaving BP’s Houston headquarters: "I am frustrated. I am angry. We are 33 days into this effort, and deadline after deadline has been missed," he told reporters "If we find they're not doing what they're supposed to be doing, we'll push them out of the way appropriately."
There was one moment of sanity, however. The Coast Guard Admiral in charge noted that “the Coast Guard is in the hands of BP to solve this problem. Only they have the expertise. We do not.”
Yet, bumbling Ken is going “to push them put of the way.” I assume he will place the Post Office in charge of the effort.
These guys (clowns) are all hopeless.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
The BP oil spill: A sickening government response
The BP oil spill could have an enormous impact on the entire Gulf coast environment. That statement should define it as a problem of national significance. Accordingly, one would expect every possible resource to be assembled focusing on stopping the leak and controlling the spill. That group effort would include BP, all of the oil companies, technical experts outside the industry, and any arm of government that could lend assistance.
Part of that process has happened. BP and the oil industry have mobilized a huge effort to stop the leak, so far with little success. In contrast, our government has quickly moved into action by playing their favorite game of “placing the blame.” Logic would suggest that fixing blame could wait until the leak was controlled. At the very least, the political witch hunt should not detract from that control effort. But, BP was too easy a target, and a corporate one at that. The liberals hate the oil industry and object to their making a profit. So, taking away that profit fit their preferred mode. They could not contain themselves.
Attorney General Holder sends a team to the Gulf Coast to determine if there was “malfeasance on the part of BP.”
Senator Shelby of Alabama said on CNN, "A lot of this could have been prevented. Where was BP? Were they trying to do this on the cheap? ...Sooner or later there could be a gusher."
The administration issues its famous line, “We are keeping a boot on the throat of BP to insure they suffer the damages from the spill.”
Barbara Boxer asks the Justice Department to launch civil and criminal investigations.
Harry Reid chips in: "Their greed led to 11 horrific and unnecessary deaths. It has harmed an enormous tourism industry, threatened business at countless fisheries and disrupted life for many along the Gulf Coast. As the pollution grows worse, those consequences will only compound.”
That frontal assault on logic and reason would be bad enough. Adding to their misdirected efforts, the politicians issue subpoenas to the very executives who are working around the clock to control the leak and direct spill containment. The execs are dragged before congressional committees and raked over the coals to answer questions whose answers can only logically come from a thorough investigation after the leak is controlled.
Taken literally or figuratively, the response by our government can only be classified as “bad thinking” at the highest level. Little wonder there is a growing mood among the public to throw all of these politicians out, out, out.
Part of that process has happened. BP and the oil industry have mobilized a huge effort to stop the leak, so far with little success. In contrast, our government has quickly moved into action by playing their favorite game of “placing the blame.” Logic would suggest that fixing blame could wait until the leak was controlled. At the very least, the political witch hunt should not detract from that control effort. But, BP was too easy a target, and a corporate one at that. The liberals hate the oil industry and object to their making a profit. So, taking away that profit fit their preferred mode. They could not contain themselves.
Attorney General Holder sends a team to the Gulf Coast to determine if there was “malfeasance on the part of BP.”
Senator Shelby of Alabama said on CNN, "A lot of this could have been prevented. Where was BP? Were they trying to do this on the cheap? ...Sooner or later there could be a gusher."
The administration issues its famous line, “We are keeping a boot on the throat of BP to insure they suffer the damages from the spill.”
Barbara Boxer asks the Justice Department to launch civil and criminal investigations.
Harry Reid chips in: "Their greed led to 11 horrific and unnecessary deaths. It has harmed an enormous tourism industry, threatened business at countless fisheries and disrupted life for many along the Gulf Coast. As the pollution grows worse, those consequences will only compound.”
That frontal assault on logic and reason would be bad enough. Adding to their misdirected efforts, the politicians issue subpoenas to the very executives who are working around the clock to control the leak and direct spill containment. The execs are dragged before congressional committees and raked over the coals to answer questions whose answers can only logically come from a thorough investigation after the leak is controlled.
Taken literally or figuratively, the response by our government can only be classified as “bad thinking” at the highest level. Little wonder there is a growing mood among the public to throw all of these politicians out, out, out.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
We’ve said it all before
But, the message deserves repeating until we correct the Obama problem. Barack plunges ahead on his agenda oblivious to objections from any corner of the American public. His overwrought arrogance convinces him he knows what’s best for all of us. He is totally delusional in reading his lack of success. If you dare to disagree with him, he compares you to Timothy McVeigh. It is embarrassing to have a president who exhibits such a total lack of class by publicly blasting Republican congressmen, Fox News and Rush Limbaugh by name.
With that approach to governing, the Obama administration has created the most serious political divide in the country since the Vietnam War. Fortunately, only political blood will be shed over this confrontation, but the battle could be just as fierce. Before Obama, it was a “given” that the will of the people would ultimately prevail. Now, that fundamental concept is under attack. Ordinary Americans are angry as never before.
Will the American public tolerate such aggressive abuse of their treasured belief in the fundamental fairness of the American way of doing things? I don’t think so.
With that approach to governing, the Obama administration has created the most serious political divide in the country since the Vietnam War. Fortunately, only political blood will be shed over this confrontation, but the battle could be just as fierce. Before Obama, it was a “given” that the will of the people would ultimately prevail. Now, that fundamental concept is under attack. Ordinary Americans are angry as never before.
Will the American public tolerate such aggressive abuse of their treasured belief in the fundamental fairness of the American way of doing things? I don’t think so.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Earth Day, a “feel good” celebration for liberals
There is no better example of the fuzzy liberal mind than the annual celebration of Earth Day. Liberals believe their primary earthly role is to correct the many failures of our human society. Facts and logic are irrelevant to carrying out this mission. For liberals, it’s all about stoking up their feeling of “doing good.” Liberals believe we humans are busily engaged in destroying the Earth, much like termites chewing up a house. So, the libs commission Earth Day to recognize this sad state of affairs. Then, they can then pat themselves on the back and “feel good” once again. I know that’s amazing, but it’s true.
Mayor Abram Wilson of San Ramon, California recently wrote an article for Alive magazine in celebration of the upcoming 40th Earth Day. It is a perfect example of this mushy liberal thinking. I am sorry to report Mayor Wilson is a Republican, which gives you a good idea of how successful liberals have been in selling their mantra. The good Mayor says:
“Earth Day was designed to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth’s environment….. Now forty years later, the world is in greater risk than ever…… Earth Day 2010 can be a turning point to enhance environmental policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, and green jobs.”
I am sure the Mayor is a man of intelligence. But, you wouldn’t know it from his verbiage. True to the liberal tradition, he avoids facts and his words have little real meaning. “The world is in greater risk than ever.” With such a dire prediction, one would expect the Mayor to tell us what the great risk is all about.
•“Enhance environmental policy” -What on earth does that mean? What environmental policy?
•“Energy efficiency.” Libs hatred of “nasty” fossil fuels is somehow coupled with fear of dependence on foreign oil. The net result is a liberal policy that is hogwash of the highest order.
•“Renewable energy.” The global warming dogma re-enforces the liberal belief that humans are abusing the Earth, and threatening its survival. Therefore, no evidence is needed to justify a fix that may bust the economy, a fix that is probably not needed in the first place.
•“Green jobs.” This is the liberal coup de grace, a real “feel good” doozy. We can support the Earth Day principles and hit a lick for the economy at the same time. But, all “green jobs” are highly subsidized. Therefore, they divert our economic wealth from better applications.
To be honest, Mr. Wilson, I have a different perspective on the health of the earth. In fact, each of the previous forty years has seen steady progress towards a cleaner environment. Things environmental have steadily gotten better, not worse. . That improvement has been made possible by allocations from the wealth creation of our economic system. The only “dire threat” I see is that fuzzy liberal thinking will interfere with the wealth generation that allows us to continue to improve the environment while also solving important social problems as well.
The dooms day predictions of forty years ago have been totally discredited. But those alarmist warnings of forty years ago have simply been replaced with a new updated version. Back then, the threat was global cooling. Now, it is global warming. Then and now, facts are irrelevant. The global warming hype has been discredited, but remains the cause cĆ©lĆØbre for liberals. One can only wonder what the fuzzy liberal mind will dream up for the Earth Day celebration forty years from now. How about a Noah-style flood of the entire earth? If not that, the liberals will think of some dire threat.
Mayor Abram Wilson of San Ramon, California recently wrote an article for Alive magazine in celebration of the upcoming 40th Earth Day. It is a perfect example of this mushy liberal thinking. I am sorry to report Mayor Wilson is a Republican, which gives you a good idea of how successful liberals have been in selling their mantra. The good Mayor says:
“Earth Day was designed to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth’s environment….. Now forty years later, the world is in greater risk than ever…… Earth Day 2010 can be a turning point to enhance environmental policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, and green jobs.”
I am sure the Mayor is a man of intelligence. But, you wouldn’t know it from his verbiage. True to the liberal tradition, he avoids facts and his words have little real meaning. “The world is in greater risk than ever.” With such a dire prediction, one would expect the Mayor to tell us what the great risk is all about.
•“Enhance environmental policy” -What on earth does that mean? What environmental policy?
•“Energy efficiency.” Libs hatred of “nasty” fossil fuels is somehow coupled with fear of dependence on foreign oil. The net result is a liberal policy that is hogwash of the highest order.
•“Renewable energy.” The global warming dogma re-enforces the liberal belief that humans are abusing the Earth, and threatening its survival. Therefore, no evidence is needed to justify a fix that may bust the economy, a fix that is probably not needed in the first place.
•“Green jobs.” This is the liberal coup de grace, a real “feel good” doozy. We can support the Earth Day principles and hit a lick for the economy at the same time. But, all “green jobs” are highly subsidized. Therefore, they divert our economic wealth from better applications.
To be honest, Mr. Wilson, I have a different perspective on the health of the earth. In fact, each of the previous forty years has seen steady progress towards a cleaner environment. Things environmental have steadily gotten better, not worse. . That improvement has been made possible by allocations from the wealth creation of our economic system. The only “dire threat” I see is that fuzzy liberal thinking will interfere with the wealth generation that allows us to continue to improve the environment while also solving important social problems as well.
The dooms day predictions of forty years ago have been totally discredited. But those alarmist warnings of forty years ago have simply been replaced with a new updated version. Back then, the threat was global cooling. Now, it is global warming. Then and now, facts are irrelevant. The global warming hype has been discredited, but remains the cause cĆ©lĆØbre for liberals. One can only wonder what the fuzzy liberal mind will dream up for the Earth Day celebration forty years from now. How about a Noah-style flood of the entire earth? If not that, the liberals will think of some dire threat.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010

A call to action
Up to now, I have not been a political activist by any stretch of the imagination. I try to stay reasonably current in what is going on in the world. I publish this Website as a written outlet for my sentiments. But, I do not participate in election campaigns, and my cash donations hardly rate a thank you note. Typically, I stay somewhat relaxed when the day-to-day political discourse strays from my views. I am able to shrug off deviations in the belief that our political system would not get too far off track. After all, the thought goes, our country has all these built-in protections. I assumed that in the long run, the will of the American people would ultimately prevail. I told myself untoward diversions would be forced back to an acceptable center eventually.
This past year changed all that. I sat in horror watching the in-your-face audacity of the Obama, Pelosi, Reid trio on health care. The will of the people was openly and deliberately trashed before our eyes. It was done in pursuit of achieving a legacy position on a long desired liberal goal, universal health care. The legislation was a pile of trash cobbled together with consequences unknown even to the trio. The stated goal of reducing health cost was a deliberate prevarication.
More importantly, it proved to me this administration has goals and aspirations that threaten this country’s basic fabric. With this group it isn’t a matter of pushing the country slightly one way or the other. That, we are accustomed to. Increasingly, it is apparent Obama visualizes an America that scares the wits out of those of us with more traditional values. Even worse, he is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goal. Apparently, this is the way they have always done it in Chicago. The trio is the political equivalent of suicide bombers. They are willing to risk their political majority if that is what it takes to further the liberal agenda.
This abject rejection of the will of the people is cause enough for concern on its own merits. It becomes all the more frightening if you factor in Obama’s presidential incompetence pushed into overdrive by his extreme arrogance. Here we have a guy in charge of our country’s destiny who has not performed on any issue. How you view health care as a victory depends on our point of view. Obama is the joke of the world in the foreign affairs arena. Domestically, he is intent on bankrupting the country by focusing on yet more entitlements irrespective of the effect on America’s deteriorating financial situation. Hence, Obama is a double threat to our long term future.
All in all, I finally realize that I must abandon my laissez faire attitude to politics. The path taken by this administration presents extreme risk of permanent damage to our country. That I cannot allow without at least speaking up.
Join me. Become an activist today. Enough, already!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Before Obama, public opinion counted
The Obama administration has created a massive political divide in the country. You know things are serious when the nut cases on each side express themselves by way of even more dangerous behavior. Further, it is sobering to realize we have at least three more years of wordy tenure by His Arrogance.
Everyday Americans find themselves fearing that Barack may force changes altering the basic fabric of the country. Normally in situations like this, Americans shrug their shoulders and remember America has endured even worse presidents and survived. Take Jimmy Carter, for example. But, Jimmy was incompetent in a comparatively harmless way. This Barack guy is dangerously incompetent. If his policies prevail they will do serious damage to our sacred American fabric.
Barack has made it personal. He is willing to trash the fundamental definitions of our American society in favor of any liberal cause offering legacy potential. In the past, we have believed popular opinion will ultimately prevail. Unconsciously, we assumed we have that protection against outlandish political behavior. That protection does not exist under this guy.
For the first time in my long life, I am seriously worried. I think it’s time for all of us to be worried. Barack envisions a different America than the one that has served us so well for so long.
First, buckle your chin straps. Then, get involved as you never have before.
Everyday Americans find themselves fearing that Barack may force changes altering the basic fabric of the country. Normally in situations like this, Americans shrug their shoulders and remember America has endured even worse presidents and survived. Take Jimmy Carter, for example. But, Jimmy was incompetent in a comparatively harmless way. This Barack guy is dangerously incompetent. If his policies prevail they will do serious damage to our sacred American fabric.
Barack has made it personal. He is willing to trash the fundamental definitions of our American society in favor of any liberal cause offering legacy potential. In the past, we have believed popular opinion will ultimately prevail. Unconsciously, we assumed we have that protection against outlandish political behavior. That protection does not exist under this guy.
For the first time in my long life, I am seriously worried. I think it’s time for all of us to be worried. Barack envisions a different America than the one that has served us so well for so long.
First, buckle your chin straps. Then, get involved as you never have before.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Obama Care: A Witches Brew

On the domestic front, Obama turned our health care system over to the two most unpopular politicians in memory, Nasty Nancy and Undertaker Harry. This pair used every dirty trick in the book to ram health care through Congress even as the majority of the American public screamed their objections. If the tea parties had an uncertain future up to now, this duo made them a political force to be reckoned with. Putting it another, more satisfying way, The Democrat leadership took steps to remove themselves from control of Congress as the electorate voices its dissatisfaction.
But, what is the bigger lesson from this process? Now we know that Obama’s need to establish a personal legacy will trump the American democratic process every time.
Guess who is the witch. Awhh, that's too easy!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Where did you Americans find this Obama guy?
We’ve become accustomed to politicians with egos with insatiable appetites. It’s an accepted price we pay for governance. However, it’s worth noting that the ego driven needs of Barack Obama set a whole new standard.
Barack started out his term by travelling around the world apologizing personally for America’s past sins. While it is likely that Reverend Wright was happy, it didn’t sit well with those of us who are proud to be Americans. From there, his various forays into foreign affairs can best be characterized as amateurish embarrassments. He naively believed his typical wordy solution to issues would cause Putin, Iran, the North Koreans, and the Chinese to do exactly what he wanted.
The Chinese change their message every other day. One can only guess this is a cat and mouse game they enjoy playing with Barack. Then, he sends Hillary waddling out to reinforce his naivete by presenting a “reset button” to black-belt Putin. Biden, the vice presidential version of “governance by mouth,” was even allowed to speak on foreign affairs. The Attorney General embarrassingly mishandled the Guantanamo Bay issue.
It was amateur night again when Obama publicly chided Israel over the settlement issue. With his huffing and puffing he made Israel look like our primary enemy and the main impediment to world peace. This issue would not have been such a big deal if Barack hadn’t mouthed it into one. His pronouncements made the Palestinians sound like innocent choir boys being roughed up by the Israeli bullies.
Meanwhile, Iran races unimpeded to the development of a nuclear weapon. They train the Taliban to build devices to kill our soldiers in Afghanistan. Iran is a primary source of armaments for our enemies. Yet, Obama is totally clueless, and silent, on how to deal with the Iranian bully boys.
The administration’s approach to Honduras boggled everyone’s mind except Obama and Hillary. Then, he acts as the tough guy to another small potatoes guy, Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan. Less than a month after his Obama lecture, Hamid let the world know you need not fear His Arrogance.
It was easy to imagine the amused reaction of the foreign leaders. Where did the Americans find this guy? On TV’s American Idol?
What is the bottom line? Obama has stumbled, bumbled, and fumbled around the world displaying a combination of schoolboy naivete overlaid with out-of-control arrogance
Barack started out his term by travelling around the world apologizing personally for America’s past sins. While it is likely that Reverend Wright was happy, it didn’t sit well with those of us who are proud to be Americans. From there, his various forays into foreign affairs can best be characterized as amateurish embarrassments. He naively believed his typical wordy solution to issues would cause Putin, Iran, the North Koreans, and the Chinese to do exactly what he wanted.
The Chinese change their message every other day. One can only guess this is a cat and mouse game they enjoy playing with Barack. Then, he sends Hillary waddling out to reinforce his naivete by presenting a “reset button” to black-belt Putin. Biden, the vice presidential version of “governance by mouth,” was even allowed to speak on foreign affairs. The Attorney General embarrassingly mishandled the Guantanamo Bay issue.
It was amateur night again when Obama publicly chided Israel over the settlement issue. With his huffing and puffing he made Israel look like our primary enemy and the main impediment to world peace. This issue would not have been such a big deal if Barack hadn’t mouthed it into one. His pronouncements made the Palestinians sound like innocent choir boys being roughed up by the Israeli bullies.
Meanwhile, Iran races unimpeded to the development of a nuclear weapon. They train the Taliban to build devices to kill our soldiers in Afghanistan. Iran is a primary source of armaments for our enemies. Yet, Obama is totally clueless, and silent, on how to deal with the Iranian bully boys.
The administration’s approach to Honduras boggled everyone’s mind except Obama and Hillary. Then, he acts as the tough guy to another small potatoes guy, Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan. Less than a month after his Obama lecture, Hamid let the world know you need not fear His Arrogance.
It was easy to imagine the amused reaction of the foreign leaders. Where did the Americans find this guy? On TV’s American Idol?
What is the bottom line? Obama has stumbled, bumbled, and fumbled around the world displaying a combination of schoolboy naivete overlaid with out-of-control arrogance
Friday, March 19, 2010
My Toyota Experience
Over the past 18-20 years I have owned multiple Toyota products: two 4-Runners, three different models of Lexus, and a Tacoma truck. Because of my complete satisfaction with Toyota products I have owned no other brand of car. Over that span of six cars I have experienced the grand total of one mechanical problem. The left rear tail light on one of the 4-Runners burned out and needed replacing. That is the only problem in that long time span.
Does that make me a Toyota fan? You bet!
What about the current flap over the apparent lapse in Toyota quality? All of this has not affected my belief that Toyota produces a quality product. When I buy my next car, it will almost certainly be made by Toyota. As far as I am concerned, the current Toyota flap is a good example how the media and the politicians can inflame a non-issue into fodder for the trial lawyers.
My only worry is that the guy driving the Prius behind me doesn’t know the difference between his brake and his accelerator pedal. Or, that he may have the business card of a trial lawyer in his shirt pocket.
Does that make me a Toyota fan? You bet!
What about the current flap over the apparent lapse in Toyota quality? All of this has not affected my belief that Toyota produces a quality product. When I buy my next car, it will almost certainly be made by Toyota. As far as I am concerned, the current Toyota flap is a good example how the media and the politicians can inflame a non-issue into fodder for the trial lawyers.
My only worry is that the guy driving the Prius behind me doesn’t know the difference between his brake and his accelerator pedal. Or, that he may have the business card of a trial lawyer in his shirt pocket.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Checking for a pulse at the SF Chronicle
ChronWatch stopped its critique of the SF Chronicle several years ago. I even canceled my subscription that had been in place for over 30 years. Offering still more criticism became much like beating on that proverbial dead horse. The Chron “horse” clearly died when viewed from a journalistic perspective. On top of that, financial viability also disappeared as the subscription numbers went south in a serious way.
Recently, I checked in on the Chron’s Website to see if things had changed. I didn’t think it possible, but the quality has deteriorated even further. There just isn’t much substance of any type offered to the reader. The liberal slant is still absolutely smothering. The violation of the old journalistic standard of maintaining a distinct line between news items and opinion pieces has accelerated even more, if that is possible. All in all, this is a sad step toward continued demise for the newspaper once billed as the “Voice of the West.”
Recently, I checked in on the Chron’s Website to see if things had changed. I didn’t think it possible, but the quality has deteriorated even further. There just isn’t much substance of any type offered to the reader. The liberal slant is still absolutely smothering. The violation of the old journalistic standard of maintaining a distinct line between news items and opinion pieces has accelerated even more, if that is possible. All in all, this is a sad step toward continued demise for the newspaper once billed as the “Voice of the West.”
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Obama and the College Football Championship
Obama flopped on both of his recent trips to Copenhagen. His health care and cap and trade initiatives lie in tatters and are proving to be political disasters. The Russians, the Chinese, the Iranians, the North Koreans, and even the French think he is a pushover pussycat. His words and his actions diverge as soon as he folds up his teleprompter. His only accomplishment in his first year is to set new records in excessive speechmaking and airline miles.
With that record of non-accomplishment, what should we expect next? Here it is. Brace yourself. Now we learn the Obama administration is considering several steps that would review the legality of the College Bowl Championship Series. Yep! With all of his (our) problems Barack wants to unleash the Justice Department on this controversial issue Warning! This presidency may turn out even worse than previously thought.
UN Panel on climate change
How much more does it take for the public to totally deflate Gore’s faux global warming balloon? In the latest scandal, we learn the United Nations' expert panel on climate change based claims about ice disappearing from the world's mountain tops on a student's dissertation and an article in a mountaineering magazine. It is time for a Tea Party on global warming. Otherwise, this expensive farce will go on forever.
HP favors Boxer over Fiorina
So far, Hewlett-Packard has given the maximum amount to Sen. Barbara Boxer but hasn't contributed toward its own former CEO, Carly Fiorina, campaign finance reports show. Our advice to ChronWatch readers is to stay away from HP products until they reverse this position. Let them know that’s how you feel. Send an email to the HP Board of Directors at BOD@hp.com
Obama flopped on both of his recent trips to Copenhagen. His health care and cap and trade initiatives lie in tatters and are proving to be political disasters. The Russians, the Chinese, the Iranians, the North Koreans, and even the French think he is a pushover pussycat. His words and his actions diverge as soon as he folds up his teleprompter. His only accomplishment in his first year is to set new records in excessive speechmaking and airline miles.
With that record of non-accomplishment, what should we expect next? Here it is. Brace yourself. Now we learn the Obama administration is considering several steps that would review the legality of the College Bowl Championship Series. Yep! With all of his (our) problems Barack wants to unleash the Justice Department on this controversial issue Warning! This presidency may turn out even worse than previously thought.
UN Panel on climate change
How much more does it take for the public to totally deflate Gore’s faux global warming balloon? In the latest scandal, we learn the United Nations' expert panel on climate change based claims about ice disappearing from the world's mountain tops on a student's dissertation and an article in a mountaineering magazine. It is time for a Tea Party on global warming. Otherwise, this expensive farce will go on forever.
HP favors Boxer over Fiorina
So far, Hewlett-Packard has given the maximum amount to Sen. Barbara Boxer but hasn't contributed toward its own former CEO, Carly Fiorina, campaign finance reports show. Our advice to ChronWatch readers is to stay away from HP products until they reverse this position. Let them know that’s how you feel. Send an email to the HP Board of Directors at BOD@hp.com
Friday, January 29, 2010
Obama: Out of Touch and Overwhelmed

My decision to listen to the SOTU speech was successful for about thirty minutes. One hates to use words like “phony” or “disgusting arrogance” in connection with our sitting president, but those words kept popping into my mind. By now, we all know he blabs words, and does so serially. More importantly those words have no connection to later actions.
Early on in the speech Barack explained the basic values of the American people. Yet, Obama spent his entire first year disparaging and apologizing for the way those traditional American values played out in world affairs. Apparently he does not realize that the people with those basic American values are the ones who are rebelling and screaming about his policies.
In speaking about our horrible economic situation Barack sounded like Hugo Chavez. Our economic distress is the fault of greedy bankers. Our health care costs are spiraling out of control because of greedy and heartless insurance companies. Banks should be taxed. The rich among us should be severely taxed for their success. His supporters, the greedy trial lawyers and selfish unions, were not mentioned.
Obama spent some time promoting himself as the great budget controller and tax cutter. Seriously! I can only assume that was his attempt at humor.
I hoped he would not again bore us with his standard anti-Bush message. Wrong. With that smug expression of his, he droned on about “the mess he inherited.” Why can he not realize that the majority of the people are sick and tired of the bash-Bush excuse for his non-performance?
As an aside, my concentration was not helped by being forced to continually view the phony wooden smiles of Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi Those images do not go well with dinner.
Obama’s speech was focused largely on the Obama persona, not on our nation. It was his delusional version of the State of Obama. As such, I can only conclude he still “doesn’t get it.” He is overwhelmed by his ego and is seriously out of touch with reality.
What is one to do? I have never attended a local Tea Party although they meet every week in my town. Now I am asking where and when is the next meeting. See you there!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Now, Obama is a tough guy
In the last few days our Supreme Talker, occasionally acting as president, has forced his teleprompter to sound tough on terrorism. The public reaction to the administration’s lack of action on the Christmas Day bomber forced Barack to change the tone of his sound bites. Suddenly, Barack has been doing his best to sound like Chuck Norris.
Up to now political correctness has been the only game in town for this administration. Close Guantanamo to create a good image abroad. Send the inmates somewhere. Who cares where? Treat captured terrorists as criminals enjoying the rights of U.S. law. Be sure they have legal representation. Send John Kerry “to talk” to the Iranians, who are themselves major sponsors of terror. Americans should not blame Islam or the Muslim religion. Up to now, that has been Barack’s approach to the terrorists who are trying their best to kill as many of us as possible. Obama’s terrorist plan up to now has been like Rodney King’s famous, “why can’t we all get along” speech.
The administration’s program was developed and designed by his political advisors with the main priority of sounding “non-Bush.” Whether it accomplished anything to protect us against terrorism was secondary, if considered at all.
Obama lashes out at his individual intelligence agencies for failing to perform their jobs. Now, he proclaims that the buck stops with him on national security. Hey Barack, most of us knew that already. It’s not very comforting that you are the last person to realize it. Only an Obama-sized ego would fail to realize that his failure as the leader cascaded into the inadequacies of his subordinates.
If only we could get him to realize he is equally screwed up on his priorities on health care, global warming, and slush fund subsidy spending. The combination of spending on these programs stands to sink the country financially. Unfortunately, Barack only seems to visualize national threats when they are unavoidably at hand. Obama may bring our country down by a route Al Qaeda has not even considered.
Up to now political correctness has been the only game in town for this administration. Close Guantanamo to create a good image abroad. Send the inmates somewhere. Who cares where? Treat captured terrorists as criminals enjoying the rights of U.S. law. Be sure they have legal representation. Send John Kerry “to talk” to the Iranians, who are themselves major sponsors of terror. Americans should not blame Islam or the Muslim religion. Up to now, that has been Barack’s approach to the terrorists who are trying their best to kill as many of us as possible. Obama’s terrorist plan up to now has been like Rodney King’s famous, “why can’t we all get along” speech.
The administration’s program was developed and designed by his political advisors with the main priority of sounding “non-Bush.” Whether it accomplished anything to protect us against terrorism was secondary, if considered at all.
Obama lashes out at his individual intelligence agencies for failing to perform their jobs. Now, he proclaims that the buck stops with him on national security. Hey Barack, most of us knew that already. It’s not very comforting that you are the last person to realize it. Only an Obama-sized ego would fail to realize that his failure as the leader cascaded into the inadequacies of his subordinates.
If only we could get him to realize he is equally screwed up on his priorities on health care, global warming, and slush fund subsidy spending. The combination of spending on these programs stands to sink the country financially. Unfortunately, Barack only seems to visualize national threats when they are unavoidably at hand. Obama may bring our country down by a route Al Qaeda has not even considered.
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